By wrestling probs - 26/05/2015 02:24 - United States

Today, I was wrestling in a tournament. I was in the finals about to win when the kid threw up on me. They thought I'd hit him in the stomach hard enough to make him throw up, so they disqualified me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 769
You deserved it 2 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would probably just tell everyone that I won anyway.


A parent had to have been recording the match.

tough to see what did or didn't happen without multiple camera angles, and even then because of the nature of wrestling it could be impossible to tell what happened.

Dude. That's not cool. That happened to me, but we film all of our matches. , so I got back in

Same happened to my friend minus the importance of the match, he proceeded to beat the shit out of the kid because he knew he had flu and probably shouldn't be wrestling,

Maybe he shouldn't have starved/dehydrated himself to make weight (assuming he did)

Maybe you didn't notice hitting him in the stomach. Maybe. Who knows. None of us do. Nor will we ever. ****. My head hurts.

Idk how you could have "hit" him hard enough to make him puke. Its wrestling, you dont hit people. Only time you would hit someone in the stomach would be on some sort of takedown and it would be your shoulder or something.

mcyd 3

they normally record matches why wasn't it challenged?

where the heck do you live where recording wrestling matches is customary? We get no funding.

andrewwholocked 9

I was almost the one throwing up once.

This should have been challenged, there's no way someone would not have been recording the match somehow, even on a phone. We need a follow up to know if you wimped out and accepted the disqualification or stood up for your rights.