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By grlzze444 - 16/11/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, my swim coach had me swim a 400 meter freestyle. Feeling a little sick near the end, I lifted my head to breathe, then burped, and threw up violently all in the pool. All my team mates screamed horrified running out of the pool, and now they have to drain it. I was told not to come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 492
You deserved it 4 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm.....I can't really tell who's at fault here. Sure, the darling felt sick, but if the coach wouldn't let them stop....hmmm.... this is one where I just cannot vote on it without more details.

Back in my day the warm ups were over 9000! And that was upstream both ways including a 40 foot waterfall in -30 degree weather. Let me tell you, you young people have it easy! I'd like to see you swimming through a layer of ice. I'll not even mention fighting off the piranha and crocodiles!


suffokateslowly 0

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annadorkable 0

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I agree... 400m is very easy! perhaps he's very young? or very inexperienced.... warmup is an 800...then again my coach is an ex-Marine...

Hayman68 4

15 - i am surprised you didnt make a joke about the time you all took that drug and all threw up...

Back in my day the warm ups were over 9000! And that was upstream both ways including a 40 foot waterfall in -30 degree weather. Let me tell you, you young people have it easy! I'd like to see you swimming through a layer of ice. I'll not even mention fighting off the piranha and crocodiles!

#75 Hahah yea the ipecac syrup, that was a rough day. I'm trying to be good since the mods are pissy at the moment lol

#75 Hahah yea the ipecac syrup, that was a rough day. I'm trying to be good since the mods are pissy at the moment lol

aliceharper 0

lol yorkshire men, amazing haha

lizzyfizzy 0

wow 500 for a warm up? My varsity team swims 200skips for our warm ups, which is a 1000. We usually swim about 4000yards a practice. But we also have 3hr practices including running. But really OP puke in swimming a 400? That's sad.

lizzyfizzy 0

ugh I mean meters, and my first comment was directed towards 25.

kofinater 3

anyone else read "feeling sick towards the end". There is a good chance op was under the weather and that is why she puked

lmao... 76 :P now that'd be a crazy swim practice ;D

leogecko32 0

that's what I was about to say 99 he never said it was hard he just said he was feeling sick. the sickness could have been from his last meal or something.

no one gives a shit about your craaaazzzy warm ups people!

He probably was doing it for time or something

FortMinor 0

"oh my gawd only 400? I used to do blah blah blah." no one gives a shit bro because some people are not as good as you. I swim all the time and I know no one gives a shit so just say "ewwww"

400 meters is not hard. my warmup is longer than that

d_ele 0

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Who cares what you do? OP was feeling sick, nothing there said "doing the 400 was too overwhelming so I puked".

thisismylife294 2

Mine was 1200 and I'm in high school and my coach owns an printer company

my warm ups are about 2000 and total in practice we do about 10,000 and you never know it could have been swam all out for time

horselover99 0

hahahahahahahahahahahaha i actually loled, made my night

ellybelly_502 4

Ha I did too! I can only image how funny that must have been! At least it will make a great story one day!

ambrz 0

ewww that's reeally gross. it made me gag reading it

_Vamp_ 9

Yeah, me too, and of course I was eating oatmeal when I read this. :'(

Hmmm.....I can't really tell who's at fault here. Sure, the darling felt sick, but if the coach wouldn't let them stop....hmmm.... this is one where I just cannot vote on it without more details.

I used to be trained for racing swimming and all the coaches I ever knew - if you told them you felt really sick they wouldn't force you to do anything! In fact, they'd probably send you home!

HamsteronA 0

Personally I don't think it's fault. It COULD be OPs fault if they provided extra information i.e. they ate a large meal before, they tried to make themselves sick etc.

damn what did you eat? that is disgusting haha

poolgirl 0

This is a lie. You do not have to drain pools. As a person that works at a pool and knows the health code it would be scooped out and the chlorine and PH would be tested. Depending at the levels it would be closed for 19-30min.

I agree with said above about bullshit with draining the pool. and as a competitive swimmer for 6 1/2 years now I ask how the hell do you get sick after only 400 meters???

NettotWSecnarf 0

Probably from the odd breathing. i swam/breathed every three or four and it always made me burp really bad. I could understand if she was sick when she started.

yeah, I work at a pool and I understand that the only time a pool gets drained is when there has been diarrhea, or something that is so runny that cannot be scooped out... AND had spread like crazy already.

30- Maybe the OP was sick before, and happened to throw up during the 400 metres.

SkillingXswagger 0

I call Bulls#*t. As a swimmer for over 30 years and a lifeguard for 18, I know for a fact they don't "drain" a pool for bodily fluids. Not vomit; not shit; not anything. And getting sick from a measly 400?! What kind of crap is that?

Oh shut your mouth poo girl you don't need to be a biotch know it all and ruin this awesome fml

150- you're so stupid. Since when is it bitchy to provide accurate information?

ApacheC424 18

It could be that the OP didn't have much solid food, or it had been well digested by the time OP threw up - making it primarily liquid, and then having to drain the pool. We shall never know. I'll give OP benefit of the doubt, so FYL OP.

Agreed, I was a lifeguard for over ten years... They scoop it out and then add chlorine. On really busy days we used to go for a swim with tootsie rolls in our mouth so they would have to close the pool for a hot second. Having 2000 people in a pool area with 6 guards can be a bit overwhelming.

thisgirl2u 9

Awe EW.. I feel for both you and your team mates. And this actually made me laugh.. :')

so gross! but its stupid that they dont let him go back ever again.. its not like he puked on purpose lol