By anonymous - 18/09/2009 17:48 - France

Today, I wasn't feeling too good, and took my temperature. I had a fever, which I told my boyfriend who was laughing hysterically when I told him. I asked him what was so funny, turns out he's been using the thermometer to take our dog's temperature sometimes. Rectally, of course. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 557
You deserved it 5 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tangerine_12 0

ewww thats sicckkk. but i woulda laaughed too ahaha.

hahahaa, you should have just stuck the thermometer in your armpit, not your mouth, but FYL.


tangerine_12 0

ewww thats sicckkk. but i woulda laaughed too ahaha.

ryguy997 0

YDI for not washing the thermometer first even if you didn't know if it was dirty. and you noticed no shit stains?

Why so many YDI's all you people are sick...

@3 it means the dog got it up the butt, not through the mouth.

hahahaa, you should have just stuck the thermometer in your armpit, not your mouth, but FYL.

thats cultural right? i dont know one single person that sticks it in their mouth. far as I know the only people who use thermometers rectally are babies...and you use the armpit when they are too big for that but too little to hold it in their mouths. Around here temperature is always taken by mouth. Doctor's office, at home, in the ER. It's just normal. To the OP...that might be grounds for leaving the relationship...not that he used a thermometer in the dog's bottom, but that he LAUGHED AT YOU for using it. Jerk. FYL

Putting it in your mouth is very common here. Armpit isn't as accurate.

walrys 0

To #40: Are you kidding? I would have laughed my ass off if I was the boyfriend. I'm sure he felt horrible for her, it's just that it's funny to hear that someone you know well accidentally put a thermometer that had been up a dog's ass in her mouth. The FML here isn't the boyfriend, it's where the thermometer was.

Evilphatpandah 5

Where I live doctors and health professionals never take temperature orally but instead they scan your forehead with a little handheld machine.

some1hones 0

it can be worse...what if you have swine flu!?!?

drzhottie148 0

LOL Did you like your dog shit?

In the 20 plus years I've had dogs, I have never once taken their temp. You deserve it for having a weird ass boyfriend.

Lithiette 9

What if they have some kind of immunity condition? Be a little more open-minded when you comment things like this. Downvote.

actorkidrox 0

So, I guess that gives a new meaning to the term "doggy style", eh?

Do you not wash the thermometer before you use it?