By calamityjosie - 18/09/2009 17:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I was waiting for a delivery between 9am-8pm. At 7:30 pm, I finally decided to have a 3 minute (desperately needed) shower. During which time the delivery man came. I ran down the street in a towel that barely covered me. He was driving away looking at me in the mirror laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 879
You deserved it 11 211

calamityjosie tells us more.

Yeah, fair enough, OR 1). If I didn't run after the parcel it would have been sent back to the depot (in Bristol!) And would have gone back to America after 1day there! I would have had to pay extortionate posting for it to come back again! 2). Was being picked up at 8 - so yes I absolutely did have to have a shower! 3). If you'd been waiting all day getting restless would you not panic, given that you wouldn't expect out of a 13 hour slot - the parcel comes during the three minute shower you need?! And yes, it is my own stupidity - that's why it's funny, that I clearly have absolutely no common sense...hence the FML! To be honest I'd join FML too if all I had time to do with my day was leave criticisms on other people's jokes. :)

Top comments

that really sucks, but couldn't you have waited those last 30 minutes too?

Don't they usually leave it in front of your door? Even if you need to sign for it, they'll usually leave one of those notes saying you need to go pick it up, or that they'll be back the next day to deliver it again.


100lol 0

@ #1: Who's mad at what? OP: You run outside in a towel that barely covers you. There's nothing wrong with that is there?

Don't they usually leave it in front of your door? Even if you need to sign for it, they'll usually leave one of those notes saying you need to go pick it up, or that they'll be back the next day to deliver it again.

If the poster lives in a city like I do, then they can't leave it on the doorstep of apts because it is not safe. I know the UPS and FedEx people around here leave so fast when they ring the doorbell it's not even funny. Even if you know what time they're coming, you have to run to the door/speaker when they ring the doorbell to let them know you're coming down in less than 15 seconds or they'll leave. And no, I'm not joking.

ugh i hate it when they don't wait for you to answer the foor. and I don't even live in the city! but can i just say how funny would it be if you were one of the OP's neighbours and you just saw someone running down the street in a towel? hahaha

deathhill3 40

I once orderd something, and was sitting in my room waiting for it to arrive. I figured this would be a good place to sit as I can see the front door and street from here, so would be able to get to the door very quickly. Little did I know, the delivery driver was so lazy he didn't even get out of the van. I saw him pull up, wait about 5 seconds, then drive off. I then checked the online tracker and it told me they tried to deliver but I wasn't in!

iShanny 13

Yeah, delivery men can be jerks. One time, I was expecting a package, but I knew I wouldn't be there to receive it because I had to work. I left a note on my door to please leave any packages at the front office (less than a 30 second walk from my apartment) since people have had packages stolen in my building before. I came home to my package sitting in plain sight on my doormat, and my note was mysteriously missing. They're lucky it didn't get stolen!

wow that sucks for you next time dont shower! XD

nice to know you dont shower often you dirty ****

her fault for being so ugly a man would drive away as fast as possible in a truck

that really sucks, but couldn't you have waited those last 30 minutes too?

dudeitsdanny 9

Agreed. You were home waiting for 10 and a half hours without showering or anything and felt the need to shower when you could assume that they were gonna show up within 30 minutes? You deserve it for not showering before 9am.. or for not waiting another 30 minutes.

YDI for putting personal hygiene before delivery packages. Seriously, you couldn't wait another half hour?

Desperately needed? It takes a while for someone to really smell without showering.

tiancai 0

Yeah seriously, how the hell do you "desperately need" a shower that you can't wait 30 minutes, in many villages in my country people bathe once a week or less.

some1hones 0

hmmm... and what excatly qualify this as an fml!?!

what exactly qualifies you as someone answering here?

cheeks9181 0

probably because he didn't get the package he was waiting for, his a idiot for not waiting and so are you for asking that question.

YDI for being so filthy that you "desperately needed" a shower and couldn't wait half an hour.