By Twitchy - 14/09/2011 23:20 - Bahamas

Today, I watched a cat pounce on a small bird and rip it to shreds, feather by feather. It wouldn't have been any worse than mildly disturbing, had I not just spent the last 4 weeks nursing the bird back to health from a broken wing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 772
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like what happened to the Atlanta Falcons last Sunday.


bubo_fml 10

Tweety Bird finally got his bitch ass caught!!

largsexy 1

At least you don't have to fead your cat tonight

I assumed the bird to be dead when I had turned around from swatting away my overly-enthusiastic dog away to see a feral cat gnawing on a blood drenched bird .-.

Demonyx 6

Do you have a baseball bat? After all that work Something has to fly, wether it's a bird or a cat is irrelevant at this point

That bird was obviously on Death's List, nothing you can do OP.

0gypsy0soul0 13

You just watched it? You do realize you could have saved the birds life. AGAIN.

kitsune3 20

Aw, how sad...Though the commentors saying you could have stopped it are right. You didn't have to sit there and watch the cat do that. You could have gone up and pulled the cat off by the nape of its neck. It would have gotten the cat away from the bird, and without hurting the cat.

justchilling307 4

Well you clearly didn't do a good job at it haha

At least you saved the bird. Most people would let it suffer.