By B_and_W - 21/11/2013 11:35 - France

Today, I watched a little girl laugh while giving bread to some pigeons at a bus stop. A bus then arrived. All the pigeons moved out of the away, except one. Its head got crushed by a wheel, and some blood splattered onto the little girl's shoes, who then screamed. With laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 31

Top comments

\ 28

That child may very well be the Demon Seed.

zahra_786 19

At least she won't be scarred for life. Heartless child haha.


Am I the only one who noticed pedo bear at the bus-stop?

vandeele 8

Holy shit. The Omen is back....

Kristoffer 35

#27: that study has been thoroughly discredited. You'll probably fail.

She seems like something out of my nightmares

gatorgirl2669 6

seed of chucky comes to mind... we might have found the next female serial killer.... damn thats twisted