By PrincessPromotion - 26/07/2014 16:29 - United States - Havertown

Today, I went back to work after a vacation, only to find out I'll soon be forced to dress up as one of the princesses from Frozen to promote our store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 773
You deserved it 6 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was going to say "Nothing wrong with that; sounds fun!" and then I saw that you're male... Good luck, OP!

Agax 12

I don't understand why there are so many people obsessing over one movie that came out 8 months ago.


I was gonna say they must think you're beautiful to have you play a Disney princess blah blah blah and then I realized you're a dude... That's some bullshit

Oh jeez no. You poor thing I hope they recast you as Olaf or Kristoff or something:)

buttcramp 21

i enjoyed the movie because disney is awesome.. but its been taken too far lol

what was the caption of promotion ..snow princess returned from vacation?

At first I was like that sound ******* awsome then I realized you're a guy

yeah, as a girl i wouldn't mind, but as a man. fyl

My family saw it, but not me because ready the obsession drove me crazy.

People are still obsessing over it?! I wish people would just let it go already!