By crystalwho - 20/01/2009 21:06 - United States

Today, I went downstairs to grab a snack and a glass of Silk (you know, the soymilk). When I get back to my room, I go to throw the snack on my bed to shut the door, but I tossed with the wrong hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 428
You deserved it 24 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done that.. But I was holding a kitten, and a box of crackers (or cookies or something?) and accidentally tossed the poor kitten onto a pillow on the floor instead of the snacks. She wouldn't come near me for a full hour, and she'd been napping in my lap for several days. :/

CaptSkippy 9

I did that once with garbage and a puppy I accidentally through the garbage out... the damn puppy was still in my hand .-.


i would so love to see it in slow motion /_/

Who the **** drinks Silk. How the **** do you milk a soy? It dosent have ****.

Let's see: Lactose intolerant people drink Soymilk, and so do people who would rather not drink something that comes from an animal. And it's not actually milk from soy, it's just made from soy and it tastes similar to milk and looks like it too. Also, it's better for you than normal cow's milk.

That's hilarious man I like how someone doesn't realise your just being funny and thought you were serious about milking a soy, what a tool

ginaatheging 3
yaya1213 6

I do it's alot healthier than regular cow milk I would rather drink soy milk than Cow milk that's unnatural, has cow puss and possibly blood from them overworking the cow, dumbass oh and lactose intolerant people

that sucks and its gonnah stink like hell

tagger528 0

dumbass lol how do you get mixed up like that

Why did you highlight the soy part? You could just say milk, and not silk, which have brackets to explain what it is, you could make it far more simple.

yaya1213 6

Well simple is for the simple minded