By crystalwho - 20/01/2009 21:06 - United States

Today, I went downstairs to grab a snack and a glass of Silk (you know, the soymilk). When I get back to my room, I go to throw the snack on my bed to shut the door, but I tossed with the wrong hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 428
You deserved it 24 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done that.. But I was holding a kitten, and a box of crackers (or cookies or something?) and accidentally tossed the poor kitten onto a pillow on the floor instead of the snacks. She wouldn't come near me for a full hour, and she'd been napping in my lap for several days. :/

CaptSkippy 9

I did that once with garbage and a puppy I accidentally through the garbage out... the damn puppy was still in my hand .-.


Dizz3499 0

YDI for thinking that we're all gits like yourself

tj727 1

hahahaha I was thinking the exact same thing!

ginaatheging 3

lmao I agree in fact all this person really needed to say was milk

ginaatheging 3

YDI for drinking weird hippie milk

onorexveritas 23

oh I've done this...with my phone and my ipod...