By Anonymous - 04/05/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, I went downtown to pay my speeding ticket. After standing in line and arguing with a rude woman behind the desk, I get back to my car only to find an expired meter and a parking ticket. I got a ticket while paying my ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 060
You deserved it 17 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL if you payed the meter, and it ran out because the bitch at the desk was arguing with you, YDI if you didn't pay it. So I won't vote here.

McOrmick 0


speeding tickets are bs. they are in no way a benefit to anyone except as tax revenu. what would they do if everyone drove the speed limit? sorry man.

starberries 0

Send a check next time. Why would you wait in line?

Always over-feed your parking meter; you never know what crazy thing could happen while you're out, and if you leave before the time you paid for is up, then you could be helping out the next person who comes along in the parking spot next. This is sage advice, people ;)