By fedupson - 09/04/2015 14:03 - United States - Milpitas

Today, I went driving for the first time with my mom. When she wasn't screaming, she gave great advice like, "Stop at the red light" and "Don't crash into cars". I need to drive 50 hours with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 120
You deserved it 2 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

19990231 29

To everybody saying that this is stressful for the mom, remember your first time driving. Her mother screaming does not make the stress any better.

It's more stressful for the first time driver than for the passenger who is supposed to be calmly teaching them.


Is it possible to drive with your dad? As long as they are over 20, and have a valid license, the hours count. So try dad, or aunt, or family friend if you can. But I know the situation and I am so sorry you are going through that.

It depends on the state/country OP lives in. In Texas, the passenger must be over 21 with no black marks (such as DUIs or DWIs) on their driving record.

Here, the passenger has to have been driving with their full license for at least 5 years. But either way, wherever you live and whatever the rules are, the point is that it doesn't have to be your mum. OP can ask any friends or family members who fit the requirements to help them learn to drive.

amileah13 26

She's supposed to be calm and relaxed, to keep you calm and relaxed. Good luck op:/

When I was learning to drive, my mother very wisely told my father that he would be a terrible instructor, and SHE was the one who took me out to practice. Forty three years later, I'm still thankful she took charge-my dad would have made me a nervous wreck lol.

Sometimes it's better to drive with dad, hopefully he's better about not screaming at you

gintwinsmoore 20

you'd better be on your Ps and Qs with her then.

To be fair you need to drive 50 hours before your test, they don't have to be with her

My mum, whom of which is an awful driver, went nuts as soon as I gradually started slowing down at the end of my street to turn out of it, because she normally gets to the junction and slams on her brakes. We had been in the car for 30 seconds, and she had already agitated me. When agitated, you're distracted and things are worse when learning, I wish people would just say things when necessary. I'd had plenty of lessons with my instructor and was only taken out with my family and few weeks before my test. Although I'll take constant unnecessary screaming over my dad spilling over the gearstick.

In australia, we have to do 120 hrs. And my mums like that too. So id take your 50 hours over 120 any day! Haha

If you learn with a qualified learning school the hours are cut by half. Unless you're under 25, then you have to hold your L's for 12 months (I'm going for my L's in a week)

I live in Australia, Tasmania specifically, and we are required to only do 50 hours also.

I had to do 120 hours with my mum gasping every five minutes out of fear that id hit something

Andrewski12 18

just have her sign the sheet and make up hours. that's what I did. and I've never had an accident