By Wouldntitbeniceif - 01/05/2009 03:13 - United States

Today, I went for a hike with the local search and rescue volunteer group that I recently joined. I got lost and spent 5 hours wandering aimlessly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 836
You deserved it 15 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eriecftw 0

Don't join the search team if you don't know what you're doing! you could have made it that much harder on everyone else by getting lost along with whoever y'all were searching for in the first place.


l33tm0nk3y 0

I really can't decide if this should be an FYL or YDI, but I will say this: that is absolutely hilarious! I mean, the story is, anyway. I'm sure it wasn't all that funny to actually experience. But...yeah.

gir321 0

Don't they teach you anything? You're suppose to stay where you are and NOT scream for help. And didn't you have a cell phone?

esklstar 0

ydi, arent u supposed to be trained for this stuff

esklstar 0

just wow... ur supposed to be trained 4 that

brittbrittT 0

"search and rescue".. perfect job for you, congrats.

Cleaner_fml 0

I think it's safe to say you should remove yourself from that group.