By OnlyIfYouLoveMe - 23/11/2009 05:12 - United States
OnlyIfYouLoveMe tells us more.
thanx guys! 8D he is a jerk, glad you agree. And to RyeBreadBoy, I do have smart views on politics ( wow that sentence does not sound right, oh well). I'm just as smart as you, and I have intellegent ideas.
Top comments
(I bet you were on disaster date)
Did you shut up?
As a man, I welcome HEALTHY discussion on politics and religion. From a man or WOMAN. Not on a date.
Date rule # 1: don't talk politics. Even long term relationships can be ruined with politics because people have such strong views. Tsktsk.
well obviously the women who accepted his invitations in the past were incapable of intelligent thought. but he should not generalize.
Urgh, some men just can't cope with the idea that sometimes women are smarter than them
They say there are two things you should never discuss on a first date: politics and religion. Nothing gets people riled up more. Maybe next time wait awhile. I agree, this guy was a douche, but what if next time you bring up your views and piss off someone you genuinely like? If he hasn't had a chance to get to know you yet, he might not overlook your differing opinions and give it a shot.