By OnlyIfYouLoveMe - 23/11/2009 05:12 - United States

Today, I went on a blind date. It was going well until I brought up my views on politics. He then told me to shut up because women were incapable of intelligent thought. Then he asked if I wanted to go back to his place and have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 449
You deserved it 6 566

OnlyIfYouLoveMe tells us more.

thanx guys! 8D he is a jerk, glad you agree. And to RyeBreadBoy, I do have smart views on politics ( wow that sentence does not sound right, oh well). I'm just as smart as you, and I have intellegent ideas.

Top comments

Urgh, some men just can't cope with the idea that sometimes women are smarter than them

They say there are two things you should never discuss on a first date: politics and religion. Nothing gets people riled up more. Maybe next time wait awhile. I agree, this guy was a douche, but what if next time you bring up your views and piss off someone you genuinely like? If he hasn't had a chance to get to know you yet, he might not overlook your differing opinions and give it a shot.


What an idiot, be glad you worked it out sooner rather than later. Who ever set you two up was an idiot. Although, it's hard to imagine what kind of woman would tolerate that behaviour...

@16: sexist views are not an indication of a person's political tendencies. Overgeneralizing just makes you look like an idiot. You're welcome.

A person's political tendencies aren't an indication of the person's political tendencies.

I really hope you said something along the lines of "Sure, you go back to your place and have sex with yourself, and I'll go back to my place and make you famous on FML!"

expen_dable 0

he is definitely a conservative, conservatives hate women and minorities and weed but love guns and Oxycotin and fighting "terror"

crumpets 123 8

I know many conservatives who see minorities and women as equal. I can tell you believe every idiotic regressive left youtuber. it was the liberals who started the kkk, who wanted segregation back in the golden days of 50 years ago

To be honest, this fml sounds fake. It sounds like someone wanting to piss off people against guys.

That is an assumption, not a fact. I am conservative, yet I am a woman. Not to mention that my brother and my dad are both the conservative themselves. So shut up you happy-go-lucky tree-hugger. Not all conservatives are dumb rednecks. Any one can be a jack-ass; democrat or republican.

The best thing you can do in this situation is to just leave & never see him again. Unfortunately, there are still sad pathetic men in the world who believe that all women are good for are making sandwiches and having babies. Although this mindset is archaic, immature, and downright false, somehow the ever-broadening spectrum of intelligence that should have (& most often does) come with our constantly growing & changing reality managed to skip over certain individuals, men & women alike. As a result, we have men like this one, who will never live a fulfilling life because they didn't get the memo that misogyny isn't the latest fad anymore. The best thing to do is avoid these kind of people.

youthink_fml 0

No, it's not the latest fad. The latest fad is most women thinking that men are bumbling idiots. I don't see women complaining about that or when women suggest kicking a guy in the nads because of differing opinions, as suggested here. It goes both ways.