By Anonycunt - 27/07/2013 16:30 - Germany - Bonn

Today, I went on a blind date that my friends set up. Not only did my date visibly recoil at the sight of me, she ended up trying to convince me that we're actually cousins. When I told her how absurd that was, she muttered, "Fuck it" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 342
You deserved it 4 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TaniasaysFMLL 15

It's okay, OP. She doesn't deserve you! You'll find someone soon!(:

That's just low. Find someone better than her. Least your friends meant well.


BrianaKoala 7

Wow. She could have been nice about it. :/ Sorry op.

many a female have recoiled at the sight of me