By sandyhome - 11/04/2011 15:20 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a girl. We drove separately and met at the restaurant. Over the course of two hours she drank a gallon and a half of beer, then her boyfriend picked her up because she was too drunk to drive home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 772
You deserved it 6 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone who says "threesome" is an idiot. There, I said it.

ramboman19 8


ellopoppet 0

no worries, just move on and ask questions next time..

BadxBrad 0

Sound's like a bad day to me! :P

JoeTheBow 8

Maybe she was drunk when she got asked out.

Will there be a second date? Maybe her boyfriend can chaperone the two of you.

Ashkahnator 0

Look at the bright side, she didnt puke on you and her bf didnt beat you up. Haha.

I call bs. Do you have any idea how much a gallon and a half of beer it? That's 192oz of beer or 16 bottles. No way a girl could put that down in two hours unless she was 300+lbs. It would put 90% of the guys I've ever met on the floor if done under 2 hours. I can't imagine a waitress bringing 16 bottles to the table either for one person.

This is OP. Yeah, I miscalculated - she had three 32oz beers, which is only 3/4 gallon.

did she know she was on a date with you??

a_traveler 5

Just be happy you're not the guy who's car she most likely puked in. On to the next.