By sandyhome - 11/04/2011 15:20 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a girl. We drove separately and met at the restaurant. Over the course of two hours she drank a gallon and a half of beer, then her boyfriend picked her up because she was too drunk to drive home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 772
You deserved it 6 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone who says "threesome" is an idiot. There, I said it.

ramboman19 8


ckjacques53198 0

who measures out beer in gallon measurements?

why would u go on a date with a girl who has a boyfriend?

1234USMC 0

Dan that's the kinda girl that makes me wanna get married. You better hold on to that one foreal. Get her pregnant if you can to!

RaeRaeHeartBreak 3

did she get alcohol poisoning? because a gallon and a half of beer is a lot in one sitting.

ryrywakaka 0

ya I would Fk that guy up for making my Gf so drunk

Haha ydi for taking a girl out who has a bf already.. you obviously were sending the wrong signals unless you thought you could steal her away then ydi for being to lame to convert her

jloz 0

just when u think u seen it all.

paolo131 0

I have had dates like this too... kinda sad ain't it ahhhahaha jk jk