By kacysospacyy - 15/07/2011 18:23 - United States

Today, I went on a run with the family dog. I returned home to three missed calls and a hysterical voicemail from my dad. Why? The dog was gone. Not me, his 15 year-old daughter, the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 066
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But, if you ask me, it's not weird if the 15 year old is not home - but it sure is strange if the dog isn't!

tonydizzle 0


He's more worried about his bitch than his daughter what is the world coming to!!

I honestly think OP is making this seem worse than it actually is. Fifteen year old girls are constantly going in and out of the house, in between school, friends, extracurriculars, etc. Her dad is probably accustomed to her coming and going as she pleases. The family dog, on the other hand, is always at home, so its unannounced absence might be more cause for concern than the absence of OP.

Lol he probably wasn't upset about you being gone.. cause in his mind.. you could have went to a friends house and the dog ran away. Dur hurr huuuuurrrr... derp.

Something about your comment really irks me.

RBG - it's probably the "could have went" part that irks you. It irked me too.

neimato1 0

now you know if an axe murderer comes to your house your dog will be the first thing your father protects

choirnerd9 0

You're fifteen, he probably knows that you can take care of yourself. A dog probably couldn't, though.

fancymega 7

he would probably b mor used to the fact ur gone it's not like the dog can go to the movies wit it's frends

sgsluder 0

When You Realize The Importance Of Leaving A Note To Say "Hey Dad, I Have The Dog With Me On My Run Today!" OR Using The Simple Common Courtesy Of Picking Up The Phone & Calling Him To Let Him Know It Might Be Too Late! If Your Father Unfortunately Has A Underlying Health Problem You (Maybe Even He) Knew NOTHING About & Because You Don't Think How He's Gonna Feel About Something BEFORE You Do It! It Causes Unneeded Stress On Him, Then He's GONE! I Speak From EXPERIENCE I Lost My Dad Without Warning & I Was A Little Brat Kid The WORLD Revolved Around Me, Then When I Lost Her, I Realized I Wish There Were SO Many Things I Could Have Done Different Instead Of Being The Little Bitch That I Was!! Don't Come On Here Whiny & Sniveling Little Baby!!! Suck It The F&$k Up And Think Of Your Dad!!!