By Anonymous - 26/01/2013 17:20 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I went on another date with a guy I've had a crush on for a long time. Afterwards, we went back to my place for the first time and things got heated. While taking my pants off, he recoiled and asked if I thought it was still No Shave November. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 374
You deserved it 47 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a question, do all guys want us women to shave?

No. But it's like men with beards. Shaved can be nice, trimmed and short can have it's appeals, but an unruly mess just makes people think it's not hygenic, even if it is.


Err.. yeah what the heck? Why is this so down voted? Shaved is gross in my opinion, for male or female: it is too much like looking at a child's privates. And that is so not right. I thought unshaved was more hygienic anyway? His fault he's afraid of a natural vag. Too much porno imo lol

Okay, so. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I just read this, and many comments to my boyfriend, and he made it a point to, ah, there's no polite way to say this, get my pants off and give and big 'o lick to me and my hair. So, girls, don't settle for an asshole. There's wonderful guys out there who don't care if you shave or not. My guy would like to let you all know he just wants me to be comfortable, and he'll make me feel great regardless of hair or no hair. I don't shave there, neither does he, and our sex life DOES NOT suffer for it at all. So if you'll excuse me now, I have to go and uh, well... you know.

I don't shave because my man likes it (although he does), and when we have another woman over for fun'n'games, I don't care if she's shaved or not. I shave because I like the say my bare skin feels, all smooth and satiny. Sometimes, I leave a little bit at the top, sometimes in a cute shape (star, heart, etc), but occasionally completely bare. I think for most guys, it's a nice surprise to find a woman has put some time and thought into her grooming, but if a guy ever 'recoiled' upon seeing my bush (when I choose to let it grow out, very occasionally), he'd quickly be asked to leave and to never come back.

Some of us prefer shaved, some of us prefer unshaved. Some of us have strong preferences, some of us just have a way that we "prefer" it. Some of us don't care. But what kinda asshole makes a comment like that?

VampTat 10

This FLM was voted YDI just because the woman doesn't shave her pubes? There's nothing unhygienic about hair as long as she's washing herself down there regularly, so really, it's the dude who has the problem, not her. I know everyone has their preferences...I admit that I do have mine, but he didn't have to be an ass about it.

Yet u still go around tellin people ur a lady