By Anonymous - 26/01/2013 17:20 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I went on another date with a guy I've had a crush on for a long time. Afterwards, we went back to my place for the first time and things got heated. While taking my pants off, he recoiled and asked if I thought it was still No Shave November. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 374
You deserved it 47 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a question, do all guys want us women to shave?

No. But it's like men with beards. Shaved can be nice, trimmed and short can have it's appeals, but an unruly mess just makes people think it's not hygenic, even if it is.


Tell him NO, but is no coitus January...

And Fapuary is right around the corner.

gnattine 11
Bo_Bexy 5

Scary movie taught me, if he doesn't have to use a hedge trimmer you're in the clear, and if he really wanted you he would have gotten that hedge trimmer anyways.

YLS for his reaction. It's natural, healthier and all to have pubic hair... His loss for a chance to have fun.

_thatbluh 5

Brazilian wax . Yes . But sometimes a race line is good too :)

xx_markie_xx 4

Yea I'm a girl and I completely agree with that shit. Hair is nasty pretty near everywhere on women.

You know this only reminds me how society has placed really ridiculous expectations on women. Personally I prefer shaved, but I'm not going to flip my shit if the woman's not. Life isn't a porno.

@ #160 - my gf doesn't shave down there and I still go down on her. It's all personal preference. Don't be such a wimp. A little hair never hurt anybody.

That would be awful, where are hedge clippers!