By Fuperman - 02/06/2013 23:14 - France - Illange

Today, I went on my first ever assisted skydive. I fainted after we jumped, and only came to as we touched the ground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 683
You deserved it 6 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eliseopwns 22


If you weren't assisted you would be dead, I would be kissing his/her feet right now not posting an FML.

Most chutes now a days automatically open after a certain period of time because a lot of people faint the first time.

I agree if it wasn't assisted, well I don't even want to think about what would have happened...

You make an awful superhero, Fuperman...

MrBoredomioo 18

Beats what would have happened to me, with my luck. I would have had my friends come with me and shove me off, because they're all dicks.

That has nothing to do with luck. If your friends would willingly risk your life like that, you need new friends.

Try a more calm hobby like gardening or couponing.

Look on the bright side, if it wasn't assisted you would be dead.

The groupon skydiving experience.

seniorchang 16

Is that the Wronski Feint?

ltaper11 20

I'm faaaaaaallllllliiiinnnn...oh what happened?