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By scardeycat13 - 08/01/2012 05:38 - United States

Today, I went snowboarding for the first time. I was so scared I passed out. I was only on the kiddy hill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 259
You deserved it 10 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is snow joke! I'm sure a lot of the commenters here will act cold towards you, but I'm sure you'll get some n-ice ones too. Hopefully this will freeze the assholes in their tracks. And don't worry - it's all downhill from here.

Draxanoth 15


Draxanoth 15

Exactly, don't snowboard if you think it's a kiddy hill, its a bunny hill

hellbilly205 17

Or ya know OP just needs practice not everyones a pro...

Ever been to magic mountain by chance?

At least you piss or shit your pants when you passed out! :D

leprechaun23 15

I used to be afraid to snowboard, then i grew some balls

Probably everyone falls down several times when he practises that...

HubbaBubba259_fml 0

I agree, if you actually pass out from fear on a bunny hill there's no point in continuing on to learn the sport.

OP should've said " I used to be able to snowboard... but then I took an arrow to the knee." gotta love that over used joke :)

Yeah really it's time to stop. It's the best thing on earth, but you have to go balls out to be successful.

ImFrackinBored 13

I fractured my wrist their the first run on my new snowboard :( Couldnt ride till next year, not as bad as that though.. Maybe try a new sport?

Wait a fully grown man or woman passed out on kiddy hill...

lakaiskate 12

Actually the correct term is bunny hill. Just saying.

The one made of bunnies is less bumpy than the one made of kids.

^^hahah awesome, thumbed you up to a zero!

lmaouloser 5

This is snow joke! I'm sure a lot of the commenters here will act cold towards you, but I'm sure you'll get some n-ice ones too. Hopefully this will freeze the assholes in their tracks. And don't worry - it's all downhill from here.

Well done,you pretty much covered all of them.

I think I got permanent brain freeze from reading all of those cold weather puns.....

41- Did you just tell DocBastard to "chill"? Woah. And furthermore, you made another pun. Congrats

That was the point of the post. :/ He missed chill!

hellbilly205 17

Dont worry OP these things take time u'll get it eventually!

brianfantana32 10

Yep, and don't be ashamed, I wouldn't even make it to the kiddy hill, I'm a pansy when it comes to that stuff

nightwing2 3

My first time I just fell do u pass out when you are moving slower than a run?

AlaskanEskimo34 0

Oh come on now, is there no dignity left in society? When did everyone become *******?

Around mid 90s I believe, the boyband era

Not to be confused with the 'Justin Bieber' era?

GoW_Chick 14

Or the "I think I'm so special I have to tell you about everything I do" twitter era. Give it a break, no one cares what you had for lunch.

... Why are you purposefully reading fmls if that's your attitude?

I have never Tweeted about my lunch, dinner, breakfast or any meal or bodily function as others suggest.

desireev 17

GoW_Chick- is Twitter really that bad? Lol My family in other states have been trying to get me to create a Twitter account.. But I've heard it's annoying as hell too! Is that what the #______ thing comes from??

GoW_Chick 14

It is that bad, but that's just my opinion on twitter.

Poor OP, at least it didn't happen on the big kids hill around all your friends!

How is that worse? It'd be more understandable, because it's a harder slope.

Because he wouldn't have stacked it in front of people he knows, hence no ribbing. It's called a joke, geez.

poopmonster05 3

Hahaha it happens, atleast you didnt shit yourself.

Well it's a good thing you didn't pass out while going downhill :P

... While going down hill on a bigger hill!!! PS OP, your user name said it all lol

GoW_Chick 14

At least your dad didn't try to squeeze you like a pimple because you were wearing pink with a white helmet. (reference to an old FML)

desireev 17

LOVE IT! That FML was the first one I ever added to my favorites! Lol