By Anonymous - 23/09/2009 00:27 - United States

Today, I went online to check my credit report. My credit report says that I'm deceased, and have no rating. I'm at least 90% sure that this is not true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 811
You deserved it 2 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments



ilovesk8rs107 0
Fingers0689 0

Lol well the bright side is dead people don't have to pay taxes!

hbgoddard 0

YDI for being 10% sure you're dead.

maybe he's like bruce willis on the sixth sense. he's dead, he just hasn't realized it yet.

anglicdvil524 0

I wonder what has to happen to turn that 90% to a 100%...hmmmm? ;)

bugmenotmofo 34

your 90% sure that you aren't dead?