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By Anonymous - 13/09/2009 08:12 - United States

Today, I went out drinking with my friends. At the end of the night I got a cab ride home. I must have passed out because when I woke up I wasn’t at my place, but my parent’s house, which is the address on my license…120 miles away. The fare was $220. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 032
You deserved it 45 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Go say hi to mom, and take a bus home!!

I mean it sucks, but at least you didn't drive home yourself after drinking. So you spent $220 on cab fare, At least you still have your life. :) And if you had've drove home and gotten a DUI it would have been much more expensive.


Good thing you didn't puke all over his cab, he'd charge you extra.

Me too! I mean, I suck it too. JK. Live closer to me so we can party.

cheetahboo2010 5

YDI, totally. I mean, if you're gonna drink, at least don't drink so much that you can't tell the cab driver your address BEFORE you pass out ;)

playfuldesk 0

you know how i know you're from mississippi? you're a racist piece of shit. shut the **** up. thx

I've gone from an airport to a suburb about 45 miles away before. They charge a fare and a half for rides outside of their jurisdiction. My MIL has taken a cab from Grand Rapids to Detriot before. It depends on the individual cab companies.

Oh, I have a good idea! How about you both shut the **** up? One of you is a troll, and the other is a hypocrite. You implied all people from Mississippi are racist. Racism is negatively stereotyping people based on where they're from. Isn't that what you just did?

actually, racism is based on SKIN COLOUR. what i did was stereotype, express a prejudice, a biased opinion, discriminate by state. you think you're so ******* cute and smart, and internet flirt with old married guys. and comment on every fml. get a life

99% of people get so drunk they are likely to pass out? In what universe? I have seen the occasional person get so drunk they passed out at a party, but the majority of the people I know finish the night off very tipsy but not passed out! And whatever happened to people who have 1-2 drinks only?

YDI. At least the cabbie was nice enough to bring you the address on your license and not to the police station. I'm guessing he might not have wanted to drive you two hours away at 2 am. And you also didnt have your shit stolen, as you would have mentioned that. Man up and learn to hold your liquor.

You realise that this wouldn't actually happen, right? Cabs usually never leave the city they work in, unless it's to take someone to an airport just outside of town. Trips more than 20-30 miles can legally be, and often are, refused.

YDI if you have your own house then you should have gotten the address changed on your license one of the most important pieces of id you have. Smart child.

honeyishrnkdakid 2

(1) YDI for getting so drunk you pass out or can't remember if you passed out. (2) FAKE. (a) I cannot imagine a cabbie in their mind that would drive a drunk passed out guy 120 mi. That's a 240 mi round trip. I think he'd be concerned about getting paid and would want proof someone could cover that huge tab before driving someone that distance. (b) If cab fares in FL are anything like they are in the rest of the country, your bill would have been closer to $500 because it'd be around $0.40/mi. (c) I agree with Victoria2103 that lengthy trips are often refused. (3) FML. For having to deal with ridiculous FML's like this.