By Anonymous - 07/02/2010 14:19 - United Arab Emirates

Today, I went out for dinner with some friends to a new restaurant. As I was finishing the soup, I noticed a small curly hair at the bottom of the soup. The chef is bald. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 171
You deserved it 2 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh, I once found a tiny black curly hair in my McDonalds burger. My friends nicknamed it the 'Pube Burger' I feel for you.

Yup, he sued the restaurant because there was a hair in his soup. You must be a genius.


Mimorie17 12

omgolly was it a pub.???!!! yuuck.!

What would it being a pub have anything to do with it? I have a friend that owns and cooks in an amazing pub. It has great food, great service, great drink, and is very hygienic. Some pubs are gritty, and some are really lovely.

The average person who eats fast food will consume about 12 pubic hairs annually.

nutcrackers 2

I just had hamburgers about an hour ago :( it's just disgusting. ewewww

Arinwyn 0

I was eating fast food when I saw your comment.. -gag-

Yeah, but 67% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

iknowthatguy 0

Ya, but maybe thats because fast food consumera like to go down on there partners

zinjiitsdanaa 3

24, Eating + being on this site= terrible idea.

So theres a 67% chance that your statistic about other statistics was made up.

AngryNinja 1

today's special: beef and pube hair. tomorrows special: spit pea!

serenaaaa_fml 0

ewwwww!!! I hope I'm reading this wrong :/

serenaaaa_fml 0

wait... how do u know that he's bald? and maybe it's from the waitress....

Or maybe it was from Op itself. Most of the time when a hair is found in a meal, it's coming from the person who eats it.

Yeah, but if the person even thought it was theirs they wouldn't have said anything.

hair floats because of surface tension. take a sewing needle, coat it with wax, place it gently on the water, and it will float. no,its notbecause wax floats,but you can't get theneedle covered with water. hair has oil. btw,arm hair can be short and curly. btw again, never order rabbit stew as most people don't like hare in their soup.

someone has too much time on their hands if they're over analysing an FML post....

mrmystery96 0

a genious joke, but you had to ruin it by being an over analytical... um, what's the word for it... oh yes, BITCH!

iknowthatguy 0

Thank you King Analyzer of the Royal Douchery

AngryNinja 1

Hehe.. I love how immature I am. Royal Douchery kills me. x)

maybe it was the server's or the kitchen staff..... gross!!!!