By datingamoron - 14/02/2011 07:14 - United States

Today, I went out for pizza with my boyfriend. He loaned me his debit card and loudly announced in front of everyone that his pin code was the numerical equivalent of "Fart", and repeated it twice, just in case I hadn't heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 373
You deserved it 3 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would he announce his pin number out loud...

skyeyez9 24

At least his "fart" paid for dinner.


Oh yea, sounds like you got a real catch there... but I think he is a guppy, some catch and release may be prudent in this case.

At least now if you drain his bank account he can't blame you. You could say you lost the card, and his pin was public knowledge. Not saying you should do it...but...

Some guys have gold cards, your's has a fart card. I vote Keeper!

This is just a pet peeve of mine, and I'm sure I'm going to get flamed all to hell for this, but pin code? Does no one realise PIN is an acronym? It bothers me just as much as saying "ATM machine" or "SAT test".

I slap myself every time I say ATM machine.

It's not really working then, is it?

TheDrifter 23

At least Personal Identification Number code makes a little sense doc. Though mentioning it is a number code does seem a little unnecessary.

dudeitsdanny 9

Yo, Doc... Hate to say this, but SAT stopped being an acronym a good while ago. It no longer stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test(or anything at all), so.. SAT test is now acceptable.

It's even more redundant when people say "pin number".

coatie 0

Haha your profile name is kinda mean lol

Chiiiiiill out! :) It was probably a joke. Well at least I hope so. xD I wonder what his password for his computer is.

perdix 29

I'm sure the muggers and con artists within earshot found that hilarious!

UpsidedownKayak 9

If you applied the numerical reference to his card, does it read, "5455 PULL MY FINGER"?

Your boyfriend might not be as dumb as you think. ATM's use 2 Factor Authentication, the pin is useless without the card. So all you people who freak out when someone get's within 10 feet of you when you are punching in your pin, just know I'd also have to steal your card for your pin to have any value.

Thank you captain obvious. But, dearest captain, it is not that difficult to steal someones card. That's the easy part of the job. The big difficulty is knowing the right pin. And guess what...