By deepblue - 24/01/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, we ordered pizza. A long wait and several phone calls later, we found out that someone met the delivery person at the end of our driveway, signed our receipt, and stole our pizza. Way to check the credit card pizza people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 975
You deserved it 3 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those idiots owe you a free pie for that incompetence.

yes, it does....every merchant should check signature against the credit card every time.


MrLefty 8

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i once ate a big sausage pizza worst. pizza. ever....

there is no reason for a driver to ask to see the card, maybe you should have noticed a stranger standing in ur driveway. hopefully he tipped!

blinkingstarlet 15

not true, u can absolutely use cash...

rallets 22

you paid before it got there?

why the hell would you give a pizza man your credit card number?!

if you prepay for it online or something ?

#79 Some pizza places allow you to tell them your card # over the phone and they just input the number on the credit card machine.

#43, there are absolutely reasons to check a credit card. Some of those reasons are for situations like this.

Those idiots owe you a free pie for that incompetence.

Pshh_Yeah 4

Exactly what I was gonna say.

katiebelle 1

So if your credit card is stolen and the thief uses it at a gas station or another place that doesn't typically check an ID with a credit card purchase, that would make them idiots as well? I think I'd be a little more upset at the ****** who stole my pizza. I'm sure the pizza place sent another pizza out to replace it or refunded their money.

yes, it does....every merchant should check signature against the credit card every time.

FYLDeep 25

What the ****? You saying you payed for the pizza ahead of time? Who does that?

sourgirl101 28

I'm guessing, broke people that live off their credit cards.

Fuqtastic 0

Your an idiot. When you order over the phone you have to pay by card. It's their way of insuring dipshits like you don't order 25 pizza and send them to your ex-boyfriends house leaving them with the bill. And for the goofy bitch that also commented broke people living on credit; it's called a DEBIT card. For people who know what they're doing with finances.

FYLDeep 25

I pay for basically everything in cash. Cash is the defacto standard for payment. You can't argue with something that's accepted everywhere. I'd also never pay for pizza ahead of time. If a business has a problem with that, then they can **** off. Just like those gas stations that expect you to pay ahead of time. They can suck a fat ****. Customers shouldn't have to jump through hoops just for a basic service. Also, did you really just say "Your an idiot"?

kiran_fml 5

you don't have to pay by card on the phone, I've always used cash

36 and 44: I pay using debit card 9 out of 10 times when ordering pizza, never had a problem. I am not sure what gas pump you have been going to, all of them have the card readers in the pump here. They have you swipe the card first to make sure that it wont be declined. I'm still looking for that hoop that im supposed to jump through. /sarcasm

FYLDeep 25

Let's say for example, you didn't have a debit card. I guess you're supposed to just guess how much money to give them? My previous vehicle's gas gauge didn't work so I always had to fill it to the top. How would I know how much it needed if I had to pay up front? Sounds like a big pain in the ass to me. I for one hate credit card companies since the overall price of goods goes up in stores that accept them. It's just an unnecessary abstraction layer between the customer and the store. It's a ******* joke. Those companies apparently are there to solve a problem which doesn't exist. I'm going to continue paying in cash. In all honesty though, I do have a debit card, but I don't even know the damn PIN number to it.

Lufferkinz 0

Uhhh no lol, I buy my pizza once the pizza man gets there and pay with cash, not ahead of time.

kcnutt10 1

33: I'm guessing something like that has happened to you before? Anyway, shut the hell up. "You're an idiot"??? Really?!? While you're shutting the hell up, GROW the hell up. Just because some shit like that has happened to you doesn't mean you need to go off on random people. Get off your period.

Ionodemon1995 0

Kcnutt he knows what he's talking about. Shut the **** up.

Calm the **** down man, not everyone can live off cash. Yes, it's absolutely and completely the best mode for purchasing everything if you can do it, but just because you can, doesn't mean everyone will.

Emma Marshall 19

Literally the majority of people who order delivery.

bittersweet101 0

pizza hut? dominos? or papa johns? lol!!

YDI for buying delivery pizza with a credit card

Not everyone has cash on hand, darling. Sometimes people decide on a whim that they're in the mood for pizza and they have to use their card. What do you want them to do? Go find an ATM first? They might as well just go out to eat then.

katiebelle 1

They could have wrote a check, I know our local pizza place doesn't take credit cards on delivery orders. Cash or check only.

chillinAK 9

Most places around me won't take checks and I never carry cash.

newjerseyguy 0

it was you that stole the pie wasnt it?