By bathroomseww - 12/05/2009 07:19 - United States

Today, I went out to a nice restaurant for my friend's birthday. I went to the bathroom and heard the woman in the other stall crying. She couldn't pull her underwear up over her obese, old-lady ass because her arms don't reach that far anymore. I was the only one there. I had no choice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 173
You deserved it 12 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god. That sucks. Kudos to you for being such a nice person though.

dudemitch 0

ew. you had a choice. the fact that you actually helped probably just guaranteed you a space in heaven. fyl, but your still the nicest person ever.


rhiannaa 0

Are you actually dissing this lady? she was obviously upset and embarassed, she was crying!!! Get over yourself.

omg. was super nice of you to do that...I mean you could have been a jerk and left her there, a lot of people would have. It says a lot about your character that you helped.

There are a lot of fatty defenders here. Fact is this person did help the whale in the stall, and if said person wants to poke fun at said whale that is said persons right and would seemingly have no negative effect on said persons karma. Stop defending obese piles of waste as if they are helpless.

fmlgirl302 0

good for you. she probably felt just as awkward asking. at least there are still some decent people in this world

Everyone that's wondering how the lady's panties got down? Perhaps you are unfamiliar with GRAVITY. She obviously had to pull them down far enough to sit down. So while she was doing her thing, they slipped the rest of the way down. DUH. As for the karma .. doing the right thing doesn't often have shit to do with doing the easy thing. And you don't have to like doing it. You just do it, but if you have a ******* heart, you DO NOT have a choice. Good job. Banish the mental images of actually doing it, but give yourself the kudos that you deserve for being a decent enough person to actually do it. Someone that would willingly do something like this would probably have felt guilty for NOT doing it. The only way this would qualify as a FYL is if you had become aroused while doing it!

kudos to you for doing that, if it was me, I'd have left the bathroom. I'm sorry but, it's that person's fault for gaining so much weight. Unless there's a specific medical reason they are that obese, they're the ones shoveling the food into their mouths and not doing much physical activity. I have zero sympathy for fat people.

orkyd 0

I don't know how to respond to this because it didn't really suck that bad for you but you didn't deserve it...kinda sucks for her. Imagine how humiliating that must have been for her. Go buy yourself something, like shoes or a hooker, whichever is your preference.

i would've left her there, she decided to become obese. "kudos to you for doing that, if it was me, I'd have left the bathroom. I'm sorry but, it's that person's fault for gaining so much weight. Unless there's a specific medical reason they are that obese, they're the ones shoveling the food into their mouths and not doing much physical activity. I have zero sympathy for fat people." agreed.

dreamofme 0

Way to do a completely chivalrous act of kindness and then brutally destroy it by being such a bitch about things. Stop whining. You should've either walked out or done it with a good heart. I'm sure the woman feels way worse about it than you.

Why is everyone applauding you? The way you describe her is so rude. You're a total bitch who obviously only did this "nice" thing out of guilt. Any "karma" (bull) you have gained has been erased by your insensitive comments. Unless you're having traumatic nightmares or something, this tiny incident is not FML worthy. Chill. Also, I hope that the people who are calling human beings, whom they have never met and whose circumstances they are completely unaware of, "obese piles of waste" are at the very oldest 18.