By walker - 06/07/2013 04:17 - United States

Today, I went over my girlfriend of 3 months' house for the first time. As we walked through the door, I was greeted by a little girl whose first words to me were, "Are you my daddy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 688
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cottoncandymango 17

Well, are you or are you not the father?

What a peculiar relationship the two of you have... Is honesty outlawed here or are we missing a huge chunk of this FML?


awee poor baby she must really want to see her daddy

ileenefudge 29

As a single parent myself, I feel like this is a situation where a single mom ( or dad) either can't win, has trouble or has to be lucky to win because it depends on the guy ( or girl). Some are ok with it, some are not. If you say you have a child on a first date, most might run away thinking that all or most responsibility falls on them as a new parent to a child that isn't theirs and they don't like it. But if you wait to tell them you have a child then they question why you didn't mention it or say something sooner, so it's hard to tell when the right time is to bring it up. I always tell on the first date because I am not ashamed to say I have a handsome little boy that I love, and if they shy away or have a problem with my little Daniel, then that is their problem, and I won't waste my time on him. But maybe that is just me.

Telling on the first or atleast the second date and being open and upfront about it is the best way to handle those kind of situations. At least if youre interested in something serious. Because sooner or later the new partner has to deal with the kid in some way. **** Ops Life. It really bad getting to know such an important fact about your GF only after 3 Months of Dating... I hope you could deal with it and maybe become a daddy for the little one.

I get why she hid having a kid but going three months without her saying something is bad.

after my divorce, my kids did that to every boyfriend my ex brought home. it was pretty funny. it also weeded out the weak and useless. I like the guy that she married, he was good to my kids.

Unlucky1232 20

idk how this is an fml. i mean it surprising as hell. Was it because u had to say no?