By anonymous - 24/06/2010 05:09 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 22/08/2015 09:44 - New Zealand - Auckland
By nkotz - 14/01/2013 18:34 - United States
By Holly - 05/02/2010 07:33 - United States
By DMO - 07/07/2009 05:26 - United States
The wrong end of the stick
By poodlesoup - 21/12/2020 22:58 - United States
Get on with it!
By Anonymous - 31/05/2023 00:02
By not as jacked - 30/04/2024 15:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/01/2013 00:53 - United States - Wahiawa
By Anonymous - 16/02/2012 03:59 - United States
By çapousse2904 - 12/09/2014 05:45 - France - Le Pr?-saint-gervais
Top comments
Ask her to run with you? You can both get in shape and she won't have her suspicions. argh anti flood can suck my weiner.
lol this is so funny
there is nothing wrong with being a little overweight and wanted to get more in shape . or even stay big if so chosen . as long as the weight doesn't affect your health that is.. I think op should have a long talk with the gf
9, I was thinking that your random capitalization and lower-cases mixed up was some sort of awesome secret message. But as I see it, FAINOP is not a word nor an acronym I am aware of, so that must just be fail on your part? 1, I think your hair is pretty awesome.
wait does this mean you're living with your gf? wth man.
@67 Welcome to 1993. Where've you been?
@80 Who the hell are you replying to?
#12- you have a wiener?
You have a weiner, girl?
round is a shape OP .. just ask Homer Simpson! xD
round is a shape...
it's probably because she's not in the best of shape so she wants a bf who isn't in the best of shape so she doesn't have to bother exercising. good for you tho! keep on working out.
yeah get her run with u that way she can work off her fat ass and get off yours
Same thing happened to me when I came back from Basic. My girl was so surprised I was exercising of my own free will, she accuse me of lying. I dragged her with me on a couple of five mile ruck runs on a gravel trail. Never, ever bothered me about exercising again. P.S. 1: Your hair is modeled after... Goku?
Not true at all, #65. It's very common for people who suspect their partners of cheating to be sunconsciously projecting their own perfidious feelings on their partners. They rationalize their feelings and thoughts of infidelity by assuming that the other must feel the same way, then they suspect the partner has acted on those feelings. And it just snowballs from there, and then they end up on Cops. It's a defense mechanism. A really... REALLY retarded defense mechanism.
come back all sweaty, wait that might not work. well are you cheating cause that's a hell of a good excuse. In fact, you could go out for a "run" and then just run to your girlfriends house.
@mesnugglez - it might be possible she's been cheated on by a previous partner and is now always suspicious. But I agree, they need to talk about why she thinks that.
by girlfriends, I mean your other girlfriends. and if she loves far away. well you're still getting a workout right?
@JupiterIcicle - Was any of that directed at me? I can't figure out who you're replying to. When you're in a long thread, you should specify who your reply is directed towards.
it was to the OP. lol I don't really reply to the people on this site because half of them (not neccesarily you.) are complete morons.
Yes everyone I've got a weiner and it's huge. You can see it fr space. (For everyone who can't tell that's sarcasm) :D
if you stay with her ydi
@JupiterIcicle - Well if you're not replying to anyone, then don't click reply. Stay our of existing threads if you aren't adding to the conversation. It clutters them up with irrelevant posts.
Fu$& her
I hve a question for ^^^^^ What's a Fu@$ or whatever you put. I don't speak symbol and neither does OP
133 - read their name lol
their? I'm one person
Their can be used in place of his or her when the gender is unknown. However in this case JupiterIcicle has a blue outline around their pic, therefore it would appear he's a guy. JupiterIcicle's picture is of the planet Jupiter captured in an icicle, does that make it any clearer, rawr_says_dino12?
Sorry, rawr_says_dino, I'll make it clearer. Each avatar has an outline around it; gray, pink and blue. These correspond to how people have filled in their info, pink is for people who've said they're female, blue for male, and gray for those who haven't fill it in. (This is by no means definitive as people could lie, but let's assume that people tell the truth about their gender)
81- your creepy! why can't everyone just leave the girls of this website alone.
I agree with 88. Are there seriously that many sex deprived FML users? And if so why aren't they the ones posting?
If she's that insecure I think you need to reevaluate the relationship. Or, you could go running with her to both exercise and spend time together...though there is a more effective exericise you could do together.
She can accuse you but then what? Who's wearing the pants hey??? lol :D
lol she's probably screwing another dude while ur out on ur run. anti flood can suck my 9 inch weiner!!!!!

sorry bud she'll never trust you
If she's that insecure I think you need to reevaluate the relationship. Or, you could go running with her to both exercise and spend time together...though there is a more effective exericise you could do together.