By anonymous - 24/06/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, I went running. My girlfriend was so surprised at the fact that I'm exercising that she accused me of making it up so I could cheat on her. I'm just trying to get in shape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 705
You deserved it 5 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

robc32ca 4

sorry bud she'll never trust you

If she's that insecure I think you need to reevaluate the relationship. Or, you could go running with her to both exercise and spend time together...though there is a more effective exericise you could do together.


you're screwed, so if you want to get in shape you'd better dump her.

welandedonthemoo 5

guilty conscious on the gf's part

Punch her in the ovaries, spit in her mouth, then piss on her leg and say you marked her as yours. Ho needs to back the fck up before you use your pimp hand OP. Let her know who the man is and show her what crazy is like. Because bitches be crazy and making sht up.

This is the motherload of bad advices. Hitting the girl won't solve anything. Actually might make it worse if she's insecure.

I think wolfhowl85 has a thing about that, he's posted that exact same comment loads of times now, just the mods deleted all the rest of them... What he needs to learn is to stop being a ********.

cbr600_fml 0

that means that ur dating a insecure b-i-t-c-h thts how my ex was dump her it lead to nothing good

emilyk123 0

your girlfriend is a dimwit & good for u tht ur tryin 2 get in shape

what a fat bitch just throw her off a cliff that will fix everything

Well usually the accuser is the guilty party. Maybe you should be asking her that question. What a bitch. Good for you for wanting to get in shape!

Hatty_Thibbs 0

Ask her to go with you, if she says "no" then tell her she can watch

bangscr3w 0

lol my wife of three years accuses me of the same thing ...even funnier im in the marine corps its pretty much a part of my job to be in shape

hardcoreKY 0

Well, I can see where she's coming from but she shouldn't assume things.