By snowbum69 - 15/12/2013 08:38 - United States - Meridian

Today, I went skiing with a girl I like. On the lift I asked her out. She said no. Halfway up the lift stopped. We were stuck up there for nearly an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 414
You deserved it 5 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry, that's such an awkward situation! I would've looked down and said "I wonder if a fall from this height would kill me"

Pwnzersome 7

That must of been one awkward hour.. Sorry OP.


Let this be lesson to you ... Never risk rejection in a situation that you can't turn and walk away from if it goes bad.

nitrog100 21

Depending on the lift and the state of the snow, there's only like a 50:50 chance that you'll break your leg when you jump. Hold on to that nugget of knowledge. It may come in handy some day.

NodakN8V 25

Tell her if she doesn't say yes you will push her off ha