By Anonymous - 22/07/2012 19:25 - United States - Nixa
Same thing different taste
By oldlady - 08/11/2009 00:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/02/2012 16:12 - United States
Awww Sweaty, don't worry
By sopheeah - 29/05/2012 07:54 - Australia - Melbourne
Bad womens' anatomy
By Anonymous - 04/11/2021 18:00 - United States - Kent
The body keeps the score
By Anonymous - 02/12/2022 17:00 - United Kingdom - Pontefract
By Beewwwbs - 09/11/2018 19:00 - Australia - Wembley
By samantha - 17/08/2019 06:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/04/2016 11:41 - United States - Bronx
Body positivity
By Anonymous - 18/01/2024 09:00 - Switzerland
By Anonymous - 03/03/2024 09:00 - Australia
Top comments
It's called a boob job, or try to be happy with your boobs. Reversing menopause most likely isn't worth an extra cup size, but good luck OP.
I wish my boobs were small! I want to get a boob reduction.
1, Sometimes it's hard to be happy with your boobs. Women tend to wish to be what they are not. I would not blame OP for wanting to be what she isn't. Blame the hormone tablets. (:
36 and 30: I thought I was the only one too!! Glad to know there are others... xD
Haha I looked at your name quickly and I thought it said divaboobs hahaha
Meanwhile in Missouri...
Implants better in the long run.
Sometimes I wish I didn't live in Missouri. at least not in St. Louis.
Whenever I run, I either get slapped in the face or pull a chest muscle.
30 - what size is "small" to you? B? most well-endowed girls who want a boob reduction (girls who i've talked to, anyway) would not go smaller than B or in few cases, A. OP might have AA or inexistant boobs, veeeery few girls would choose a flat chest if they were given the choice.
85 - C is not "small". So why is it wrong for someone with small boobs to want to go up to a C-cup but it's OK for someone to want to go down to a C-cup? Where's the logic in that? (Scrolling back up I realized you're not #30 so this is not really directed at you... But my point still stands.)
I never once said that it is wrong to want bigger boobs. All I said was my boobs are too big (being EE). They cause me problems with my back, they also make your chest really hot and uncomfortable. Hence the boob reduction. Going to a C cup would be halftime boobs now. If anyone wants a boob job good for them, I never said it was a bad thing a girls are stupid for it.
Half my not halftime, also a girl is suppose to be and girls.
**** science. I'm a B and I'm a little less than happy with it, but it is what it is. Stop using "science" to make wht you say backed up. Show me the article. Otherwise you'll tell me it's from the Internet.
It really doesn't matter about science or polls. It's about what makes you happy and comfortable with your body.
No one's happy with what they have. That's why there are hair straighteners AND hair curlers.
Personally, as a guy my breast preference has nothing to do with size. It's all about shape. Generally if the nipple points upward it's hot. If it points at the ground it's not. Perky A cups with a good nipple placement are WAY sexier than D cup jungle boobs.
#111 Well geez, hopefully not ALL guys prefer C cups. :/
I have a C and if I could choose I'd rather have a B. I thing smaller boobs are nice. Bigger are too, but I am more a discret girl so I prefer discret boobs. Anyway, nobody is happy with what they have. It's okey to have plastic chirurgie I guess, but it would be better if we could accept not being 'perfect', instead of suffering and taking risk to change what we look like. But it's just my opinion. And I think there is a reason if we are imperfect, it's to keep us for being to vain :D
Boob jobs are ugly and completely noticable so stfu on that. I see why that comment is so thumbed down.
Not everyone with small boobs wishes they were bigger. I'm happy being an A cup.
if I couldn't sleep on my chest I would kill myself.
I like the idea. Does it work with all medicine?
Been there done that.
Soak a rag in vodka and shove it up your ass. It will get you drunk really fast.
Yes you can die. Because no liver to filter out all the alcohol so it's I believe 3-5x more potent because it will go directly into your blood stream through the same way nutrients from food get in it.
are u sure ur not mentally retarded?
You really get to the bloody point, don't you?
16- that is such an old joke. You really CRAMPed the style of the puns.
I'm not in the MOOD to SWING.... No? Okay fine....
My heart bleeds for you, op.
Well done #84, well done.
You're that worried about your image at thy age that you're dousing yourself with hormones? Pathetic, enjoy period symptoms again.
That*** auto correct. >.>
Your picture is quite fitting.
I like Boobs:)
10-i thought you were making a joke about her age by talking in Shakespearean english, implying shes from that time. I thought it was funny. Yay for autocorrects failure
you may never know what happened to her she could have a breast reduction surgery.
I did a reverse kick on ur mom
So didn't you speak to a doctor before doing this? Or did you just assume it would be a fantastic idea to **** with your body's hormone levels? Any competent doctor could have warned you about that, which leads me to believe you were doing this independantly of any licensed professional. Do you prescribe yourself painkillers too? Walk into a pharmacy and grab yourself some oxycoxet, maybe a handful of morphine? There is no way you DON'T deserve this. You can kill yourself screwing around with medication. Count yourself lucky you didn't wind up with something more serious going on, and go see a bloody doctor.
What I'm wondering is where she even bought them without the permission of a doctor. If one gave her dangerous hormones for stupid reasons like this, they need to lose their license.
She also could have been subscribed them by a doctor and this ended up being a side effect they they may or may not have known about. Those things happen too
Coming from a person who has had two of her relatives ruin their lives from hormonal pills, I agree. Use your brain op... For god's sake!
So you're telling me that sketchy guy in the dark alley behind my gym was WRONG when he told me it was OK to take 8 times the normal recommended HGH dosing? And to think, all this time, I thought the hair on the inside of my eyelids was normal...
It's extremely easy to get medication online, especially hormones.
Drinking beer helps your boobs grow, get drunk. You'll also increase the number of guys that will want to take you home.
I also heard your driving skill increases too.
...says the fatty
You couldn't get breast implants??? I got a breast reduction two years ago. Big boobs aren't as fun as they sound. I do not miss them.
I've been considering getting a breast reduction. How was the procedure? The thought of the surgery is really the only thing that's stopping me from having it done.

You should never fool around with your hormones for cosmetic purposes. Period.
You really get to the bloody point, don't you?