By alealovespurple - 16/08/2009 20:04 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 22/07/2014 17:39 - United States - San Francisco
We've all been there
By b…… - 28/09/2023 22:00
By missyoudad. - 31/08/2010 07:54 - Australia
By Clueless - 14/05/2011 23:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/07/2013 16:38 - United States - Spencer
By blah - 15/08/2011 16:22 - United States
By Jayanka - 03/05/2018 05:00
By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 04:44 - United States - Buena Park
By auraya1985 - 12/09/2015 21:34 - United Kingdom
Privacy violation
By privacy! - 02/05/2021 08:02
Top comments
YDI for snooping. Give her some space -- she's growing up. ...On the other hand, though, FYL because of what you found.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway#1, I agree. and you wonder why your daughter is looking up excuses to get away from you when you're going through her internet history.
YDI for going through her history, asshole.
wow look at all the 15 year old kids in here getting all upset about this. "OH NOES OMG HOW COULD YOU GO THROUGH HER INTERNET HISTORY?". Damn wait until you people have kids. Yes kids deserve privacy but she is only 15 and lets face it they don't always make the best decisions (neither do adults). I don't think he went up to her room turned on her PC and was like "hmmm let's see what sites she has been visiting". It is entirely possible that he is trying to be a good father and watching out for his daughter, that's what parents are for after all, but she might be a spoiled brat who wants to hang out with her friends and doesn't think its cool to hang out with dad. Or maybe he is overbearing and too controlling. Seriously though he is her father he is just trying to protect her and she is ONLY 15 what if she was talking to someone online that she did not know and was planning on meeting up with him?
this is why im happy my dad barely knows how to type.
you understand that google generates what it thinks you were searching for? like if you typed excuses to get then that would have probably popped up. but youre a creepy dad thats for sure.
well said #55... I'm 18, and I know that would have pissed me off when i was 15, but now I look back and understand that I was pretty stupid and and like more 15 year olds I made poor choices... (more than i do now at least ;) ) Now I am thankful for my parents and even wish they were more strict sometimes...
I'm not going to comment on whether or not the dad was being overprotective, but for everyone who does something similar (not just parents, but spouses, etc)...when you snoop, don't be surprised to find something you don't like. YDI on your part, since you were looking for something bad and you found it. Don't expect anything less.
You know what would be funny though? I bet she went to that site on purpose just to mess with you, because I'm sure the girl isn't completely oblivious to you going through her history. OP, don't take it to heart if she really did mean to go to that website. She probably had other reasons for not wanting to hang out with you and didn't know how to tell you.
I have to go with you, #1. If you snoop and find something you didn't want to find, you deserve it. No one snoops to find something good, so what did you expect? If you thought something was seriously wrong in your daughter's life, then I can understand that you'd want to try to be a little more involved and find out what isn't right, but if you're just snooping just because as a parent you think you should, then you should learn to trust your daughter, and maybe have face to face conversations with her to find out how her life is doing rather than finding it from another source (and it's really hard to confront a teenager about something you found while snooping, because that just SHOWS that you don't trust them). But I'm guessing she put that there as a joke, honestly. I knew when my parents were checking my history, and I learned how to erase history when I was 12. So this time, just take the joke, try to make your father-daughter day fun for both of you, and next time try not to snoop.
Amen, #55. There's way too many kids here complaining about something perfectly normal. And if someone's a teenager, learning to hide what you do online from your parents is part of growing up too. ;)
#55 "Yes kids deserve privacy but she is only 15 and lets face it they don't always make the best decisions " WTF, Kids deserve privacy, but she's only 15? At what age does a Kid get the right to privacy? 16? 17? The last two years they're a minor? Everyone is well aware that 15 year olds don't always make the best decisions, but my internet history is not where you'd find out all the horrible horrible things I've done and am planning on doing. That's where you'll find **** and FML. ". I don't think he went up to her room turned on her PC and was like "hmmm let's see what sites she has been visiting"." If only you based your post defending the OP on that, making an arguement that he might of seen it on accident or was just using her computer for something else. Maybe I'd agree with you and not feel that this post is necessary. " It is entirely possible that he is trying to be a good father and watching out for his daughter, that's what parents are for after all" Intent doesn't make an action good or bad , or smart. " , but she might be a spoiled brat who wants to hang out with her friends and doesn't think its cool to hang out with dad." How is that relevant? " Or maybe he is overbearing and too controlling. Seriously though he is her father he is just trying to protect her and she is ONLY 15" Yea, if she was older teen, like say 16 this would be completely ridiculous "Seriously though he is her father he is just trying to protect her and she is ONLY 15 what if she was talking to someone online that she did not know and was planning on meeting up with him?" Then you wouldn't find it on her google history, he'd be relieved that the worst thing he found is her not wanting to be with her dad, and he's probably a failure of a parent if your kid is over the age a 12 and you are worried enough about that to check your daughter's history I'm 14, if for some reason I wanted to meet someone I met online I'd bring an adult, or a pistol if any of my friends have one :P , point being that if I meet someone online I'll be safe .
People like you are the disgusting ones. How would you feel if your dad died right now? If he started completely ignoring you? And what are you thinking that the 'Father-Daughter day' involves? If it involves something seriously stupid (i.e. kiddie carnival, as someone said), then I suppose I can't blame the girl for wanting to get away. But if it was something she normally enjoyed (i.e. going to a movie, going on a hike, etc. sorry, using myself as an example) and just didn't want to because it was her dad taking her, then shut the hell up. I would give anything for a father-daughter day again, because my dad died when I was 11. When you know what it's like to not have someone who is your main support system, then you can bitch about not wanting to do stuff with them. It's people like you who make me wish there was a button that allowed me to punch people through the computer screen.
"And if someone's a teenager, learning to hide what you do online from your parents is part of growing up too. ;)" This, exactly this. It's a parent's responsibility to look after their kids, and this includes finding out what they've been doing online and off. Similarly, it's a teenager's responsibility to find out how to hide what they've been doing from their parents.
#133, do you really think everyone can see what everyone else is doing? Tell me, right now, what am I doing? Are you one of those conspiracy nuts that think the government watches every single move every single person makes on the internet? Barely anybody would be able to know what anybody else is doing on the computer. Unless you have an extensive knowledge of computer networking, computer hacking, and other related topics and have all of the necessary equipment, or are literally looking over the person's shoulder, people's computers are not open books. People do have a right to their privacy. Also, #55, going through the history would not tell them exactly what his daughter was typing to whom. It would only give a listing of pages they've been to, so it's really only good for checking if they've been looking at ****. If you want to check your daughter's internet safety, the best thing you can do is to ask her about it straightforwardly. Children do not take well to having their parents sift through all of their secrets. They are perfectly capable of telling parents what they need to know and keeping the rest to themselves.
sux for u! im 14 and my dads pretty cool unless he gets all smarty pants on me... but fhl cuz apparently she has not heard of delete browsing history. ohh well i think that should give her some space but going thru her history is being a bit paranoid. unless its the family computer...... just sayin.........:)
hmm lets see here checking her history and her excuses... connect the dots...
1st, it takes a little bit of time and know-how, but it can be done. Engineers have broken the cipher used to secure data o the internet using clustered PS 3s. As for the dad snooping... not on my network, kid! I don't care if they are your kid or not, I am turning you into the FBI. Thank god I work for a university and not a high school. but yeah, if your kid is looking at **** on my network, I determine the punishment, not you. And if you try to pry into it.. you can sit your ass in a federal prison =D
#291, lay off the crack
#55, i'm not 15, but i know from experience that snooping is the stupidest way for a parent to try to find out about their child's life. if a parent can't trust their child, why the hell should the child trust them? say the girl HAD been talking to someone online and was planning to meet up with him. so the father found out. then what? you think the girl's going to listen to a word he says after he tells her he was snooping through her history? just look at the situation he's in now. so he can know, but he's powerless. definitely one of the bad decisions adults tend to make.
#291, if he paid for that laptop with his own money, that's technically his laptop...and therefore, this history that he's going through is his own. not to mention the internet service that he is paying for. oh, and if anyone hacks or borrows your internet, you're fully allowed to go through that history too. now, if the girl paid for the laptop with her own money, that's a different story. but there's no way a 15 year old girl makes enough money for a laptop. and #291, do you even read? What are you talking about? He's not hacking into anything! It doesn't take an engineer to click on the history tab at the top of the browser. And what does it have to do with a university? she's FIFTEEN! you can send him to prison, but i'm sending you back to kindergarten to learn how to read,
lmao, for real, when i have kids, i'd check their history! i'm a teenager, and i know what some of us damn kids do. haha
Like? What? I don't really know many things that they could do that you'd word like this? Look at ****? They're 15 , it's normal. Gore? THey'll be used to it by then, trust me.
I have to agree, theres not much that an average 15 year old hasn't been exposed to at least once. And to all you idiots who think snooping is ok, its no different than doing the same to an adult. Teenagers are autonomous, and not stupid. And to the OP, your an idiot, the reason shes trying to get away is cause you're smothering her
Not ThaT accurately. And I it was kind of easy to put two and two together.
honestly at this point in the childs life, you should be more of an advisor than anything. I am 15 and I earned the money for my computer by babysitting. My mom knows where im going and i call her every few hours to check in but as long as i can provide my own transportation, she trusts me to make the right choices and call her if anything gets out of hand. By 15 you should have given your kid the knowledge they need to basically make it on their own. Make sure they know about birth control and things like that and just make sure that they know they can come to you with anything. Going through internet history is a way to prove that you dont trust your child and your own parenting skills. Personally as long as my mom told me she was going to i wouldnt care because quite frankly i dont really have anything to hide other than fmls that are a bit on the raunchy side. i feel bad that your daughter doesnt want to spend time with you but she also just may not have wanted to go that day. maybe shes not feeling well or had other plans. ask her if she wants to reschedule or just do dinner or something. but in the future, going through internet history is just not appropriate at this age. if she was 10 i could TOTALLY understand but shes old enough to be responsible and at this point even if you bug her about it, she wont listen. let her make her own mistakes and just relax a little bit. sorry this was so long. lol
I agree # 14
Wow, that girl should stop being selfish and respect her father more than that. As well, caring parents go through their kids things til theyre adults. its to protect those kids, letting them make choices but keeping tabs so they can pull them back by the shirt collar before they do something stupid. jeez, you people are naive. Im annoyed with the ignorant comments.
It took me 2 minutes to thumbs that up. Couldn't click the thumb prompt without not being able to actually vote up or down.
Shouldn't have gone through her history like that, I guess. Not sure where I am on this issue.
He is the dad, he has the right and responsibility to go through her stuff. to keep her safe. if she is going on sites that can put her or her family in danger and he never checks to make sure. she and/or her family at risk, due to predators, scams, frauds, and many other threats. But that's just my opinion.
#395 I'm glad you aren't my dad.
ydi for being nosy maybe youre annoying
More like FHL for having you snoop through her history. I bet you've got plenty of stuff you wouldn't want her to see.
this makes me sad, I love my daddy a lot!! I could only imagine how my dad would feel if he thought I didn't want to spend time with him. makes me sad :(
YDI. Only sicckos snoop thru their children's internet history. I mean give her some space so she can trust you. -.-' && how is this an FML? O.o. succk much. ::rolls eyes::
It's an FML because his daughter, who he was only trying to protect by looking at her history, does not want to spend time with him. ::rolls eyes::
ishirticapslock......I was gonna make a post yelling at you but #15 is so much worse that I'll ignore it :P #15 You are not helping the case that a teenager is mature enough where you shouldn't check their history. You are however helping the case that the school system needs reform before health care.

YDI for snooping. Give her some space -- she's growing up. ...On the other hand, though, FYL because of what you found.
More like FHL for having you snoop through her history. I bet you've got plenty of stuff you wouldn't want her to see.