By alealovespurple - 16/08/2009 20:04 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 22/07/2014 17:39 - United States - San Francisco
We've all been there
By b…… - 28/09/2023 22:00
By missyoudad. - 31/08/2010 07:54 - Australia
By Clueless - 14/05/2011 23:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/07/2013 16:38 - United States - Spencer
By blah - 15/08/2011 16:22 - United States
By Jayanka - 03/05/2018 05:00
By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 04:44 - United States - Buena Park
By auraya1985 - 12/09/2015 21:34 - United Kingdom
Privacy violation
By privacy! - 02/05/2021 08:02
Top comments
You definitely deserve it for being nosy and going through her computer. Try to learn to trust her. No wonder she doesnt want to spend time with you
i think he was a stalking her. but we don't know what hes actually like so i dont know
:( thats sooo sad! ignore her for a month or so..she'll relize she likes having a father.. mine died when i was 12
What the hell were you doing in her internet history?
okay. I'm fifteen too and a girl. you've already lost the relationship with her, I'm sorry to say. so you snooping through her stuff isn't gunna help that. ask her honestly if she wants to go. if she says yes, go and have fun with her, try to not be embarrassing, and just chill. if she says no, DONT freak on her. that'll make everything worse by a million times. just try to loosen up a little bit with her and treat her like she's fifteen, NOT 20, but not 6 either. that's just some advice. and (keeping in mind I'm 15) I completely agree with parents being able to go thru my computer history. if I'm going to be doing shit I don't want them knowing about, I'm sure as hell not gunna give them any opportunity to know! I don't mind them going through my room or stuff as long as they give me privacy on phone calls, getting changed, emails and with my friends. (I don't keep a diary). website history and stuff I leave around my room, well it's their house and I'm their kid. and when they repeatedly find nothing, hopefully they'll realize that I'm not a bad kid. they still believe I'm evil cuzza my mood swings :-/ anyways especially if it's the home computer, you've done nothing wrong except want a relationship with your daughter. and when that's wrong, what has the world come to?! fyl, and good luck.
Guys, he never snooped. Auto complete. Duh. Besides, it's awful. My dad hates me, I'd love it if mine cared as much as this one. These guys need to grow up: he was NOT snooping. He may have been on the FAMILY computer, or do you all not grasp that concept? Jeez, you guys are awful quick to arms. FYL for having a stupid daughter. At 15, I wished my real dad cared as much as you care about your daughter. And that's wrong to Google excuses...
Lol autocomplete? So you think OP actually typed in "excuses to get..."? There is obviously something already wrong with your relationship if you take the time to go through her history, I'm not surprised she doesn't want to go out with you, and I've never heard of anyone having a designated "father daughter day". But don't get too down - I spent most of my life ignoring all of my dads phone calls and making excuses as to why I couldn't visit him, but I'm older now and a lot less immature and things are different - your daughter is only 15, she'll grow up in time.
I would be horribly embarrassed if I found out that either of my parents went through my internet history. That's why I only go to certain websites on my laptop (a hand-me-down from my sister). Don't shove yourself on your teenage daughter, but do try to interact with her. Like talk at dinner, get to know her better. It can be hard to get to know your "real" kid and not just the facade they put up in front of you, especially in teenage years. But invading their privacy isn't the way to go, I don't think. If she finds out, she'll trust you even less and just put up more walls.
what a ******* ****. im 14 and i know what girls are like at that age. shell be back in 10 years asking for money, and you can explain to her that she treated you like shit when she was young, so you shouldnt have to do anything for her. then feed her dog a sponge and punt her all the way back to her god damn circus cage.
Dude if you're 14 then that paragraph you just constructed was made of pure awesome. +1 internetz to you.
It's a computer, it's internet history. It's no different than blocking channels on TV. Get over it, nerds. She's 15, she's still a child. I'm 18 and I still allow my parents to access my computer if they want. And yeah, I have things on here they may not like seeing, and I wouldn't like them to see, but... If the bitch was smart, she'd erase her history. She has no reason to complain about doing things she shouldn't, when she did them in the first place. If the FML were to read something like this: "Today, my father through my history and found I had been looking up ways to puporsely avoid him. I'm 15. FML." You all would have had a shitfit about how the OP deserved it for: not erasing her history, being such a bitch to her father, being still a child and thus still under parental rule (as in, having nothing to bitch about), for doing shit like that and expecting sympathy (similar to "I was caught doing something bad and got in trouble," like I mentioned), etc. We also don't know if it's HER computer or not; my aunt and her children use the same computer, but with different accounts. It's not her computer, and her parents have the right to check up on her every now and then. Like someone pointed out, there are things a child will want to keep to themselves, but the parents would really like to talk to them about. Or maybe they got a virus and want to know where? Plus, all he wanted in the end was to spend time with her. Don't bash him for that. Maybe he was using her history as a way to get familiar with who she was? You don't know why he was doing it.
*high five*
#52, I was thinking along the same lines as you when you said maybe OP was checking the internet history as a way to get familiar with who she is. Maybe the daughter didn't open up much to her father whenever they talked, and that's why he felt like he needed to see what kind of things she was interested in by checking out the internet history. I don't think he was being untrusting or trying to snoop, just trying to get to understand his daughter so he could have things to talk to her about on their father-daughter day.
Blocking channels on the TV = blocking websites on the internet Digging through trash = going through internet history ^^ both help you know her better. I'm just kidding on that part actually. But if he really wanted to get to know her, he really should just try to talk to her. If it's that personal, it's better coming from her at her own pace rather than through internet history. And if we can't judge that dad, we can't judge the girl. For all we know, it was a pop-up.
Yeah, I thought about that, but I was thinking more along the lines of the daughter just shrugged or whatever whenever the OP asked if she liked something. I'm having difficulty explaining, but you've probably seen it before; daughter is daddy's little girl until she hits 13, then whenever father asks if she likes something (like a popular band, certain food, or whatever) daughter just gives a "i don't care, you're lame, go away" kind of shrug. And after long enough of that, the father realized it was impossible to talk to her then went to his last resort of turning to the interwebz. It's just what I think could have possibly have happened. I don't think he was snooping or trying to find anything bad, or even trying to protect her. Just trying to understand her.
Like I said: Don't write it if you don't expect someone to find it. My father found my deviantART and LiveJournal journals, I got in trouble. Oh well, that's what I get for putting it on the Internet. And really, you HAD it public. What if they had a FaceBook and wanted to friend you? You didn't think they'd ever find you? It's not being strict at all.
Why is everyone under the impression that you actually plan about a day like that? I mean, other than the date, my parents and I have never actually PLANNED what we were doing.... maybe we're just weird for just plain wanting to spend time together.
I agree...I would never exactly plan that kind of stuff with my family - we'd just see what we felt like doing on the day. Mostly just running around like idiots having a water fight, or board games or something depending on the weather. I'm 21 and I STILL do that stuff with them. Why do all the kids here seem to think there's something wrong with doing stuff as a family?
Oh, assuredly, it's better to talk to her, but it seems she doesn't want to talk. I doubt a pop-up is going to show up in search history.
#139, not to be obnoxious, but pop-ups do appear in my history, no matter which type of computer I use. And I get that she's probably closed off to him, and you know if going through her internet is his way of parenting, well...that's his way. But I doubt he could pull of a conversation from what he found in her history. I mean, my history right now probably has fmylife, which couldn't really start a conversation, facebook, and of course, without the password it's useless, and youtube, and unless you watch those things, you don't really have much to talk about with it. Idk...I think she'll open up to him eventually. I mean, we were all like that at some point, but we grew out of it and came around ourselves without our parents going through our things. But that's just me.
No no, it's the SEARCH history on GOOGLE (or, apparently, the google bar in her browser) that he was looking at in particular, not her history in general. Pop ups won't show there, but, yes, they may show in your URL bar. Yeah, he probably wouldn't find anything in particular, if she's a typical 15-year-old, but obviously he's going to try, just in case. Maybe she looked up a particular movie she's interested in seeing? Of course she'll come around eventually, we mostly do, but he wants to spend time with her now before then, because usually by then they're "too grown up" (meaning, it's difficult to spend time together because she's got more important things to do; college, her job, etc).
YDI for snooping. Give her some space -- she's growing up. ...On the other hand, though, FYL because of what you found.
More like FHL for having you snoop through her history. I bet you've got plenty of stuff you wouldn't want her to see.