By Sovekipisse - 15/06/2013 22:24 - France - Arthon-en-retz

Today, I went to a bar for some drinks. A guy looked me up and down, gave me a suggestive smile, then asked for my name and number. I'd have been a little less creeped out if he hadn't been standing beside me at the urinal the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 570
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he has a thing for uranal . . . um er I mean urinals.

thenamesbrooksy 9

Hey take it as a compliment.


According to your username I'm guessing you are French? Anyway, look at the bright side, it's a compliment!

just one reason to stay one urinal apart

This is guy code. Always use every other urinal. If there's not that option, hold it or take it in a stall with a toilet.

CookieLovesBoo 16

You attract both kinds - that's a good thing haha he probably thought your bottom looked nice as well

Ask for a Dutch Rudder. It's very classy