By Sovekipisse - 15/06/2013 22:24 - France - Arthon-en-retz

Today, I went to a bar for some drinks. A guy looked me up and down, gave me a suggestive smile, then asked for my name and number. I'd have been a little less creeped out if he hadn't been standing beside me at the urinal the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 570
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he has a thing for uranal . . . um er I mean urinals.

thenamesbrooksy 9

Hey take it as a compliment.


He wants the D pretty badly from you OP.

At first reading I was wondering why this was on here.., there is a possibility that he wasn't trying to sound in the point of being gay...there is always the possibility he noticed something before that caught his attention (pool skills maybe) and followed you in for maybe assistance in that category...but I can understand that can be awkward..,

Without being a gay man I suppose who knows what is couth and uncouth.

skyeyez9 24

That dude is a disgusting piece of shit to be ogling a man while he is peeing, giving his rapey smile and number to OP. You are supposed to leave people alone while they are in a restroom.

perdix 29

#62, I think we call them by their last names. It's Phoebus Apollo and Pallas Athena.

More likely: "I wonder how I can get in his wallet..."

I can't say this sucks or you deserved it--because I think it's hot. I'd had taken his offer. ;-p