By Sovekipisse - 15/06/2013 22:24 - France - Arthon-en-retz

Today, I went to a bar for some drinks. A guy looked me up and down, gave me a suggestive smile, then asked for my name and number. I'd have been a little less creeped out if he hadn't been standing beside me at the urinal the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 570
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he has a thing for uranal . . . um er I mean urinals.

thenamesbrooksy 9

Hey take it as a compliment.


This is commonplace in gay bars. If you don't want this type of attention, use a cubicle and make sure it has a functioning door. Before you unzip, be sure to close the cubicle door shut, unless you want even more attention. Pay no attention to foot gestures, hand signals or the like from under the cubicle walls, and if you notice a hole anywhere in the cubicle... now you're on your own..!

You really took me by surprise with that last sentence.

Glitterbaby2613 20

dont fret perhaps he'll look at it as your werw being funny, most people can take jokes. if i were to see Toby Regbo im sure id say hey francis upon seeing him, yhat way he knows i watched the show, but then id say hey toby