By Sovekipisse - 15/06/2013 22:24 - France - Arthon-en-retz

Today, I went to a bar for some drinks. A guy looked me up and down, gave me a suggestive smile, then asked for my name and number. I'd have been a little less creeped out if he hadn't been standing beside me at the urinal the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 570
You deserved it 4 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he has a thing for uranal . . . um er I mean urinals.

thenamesbrooksy 9

Hey take it as a compliment.


Guy rules broken? Always heard, if possible, men usually skip a stall and no eye contact is to be made. ***I have this one gay guy that comes to my job and purposely leaves his bar chair sticking out in the aisle. When someone complains and asks if he'd mind moving forward, he'll wink and say, "Can you push my stool in for me?" :P

RedDragonx32 8

lol just tell him your not gay and not interested.

I thot this was a girl saying the story

perdix 29

#44, that was the whole set-up part of the story. It's a comedy technique called misdirection. The set-up leads you to think the OP is a girl, but the punch line reveals the opposite (unless it's really a girl using a stand-up urinal.)

Wizzlbang 10

probably "............................................."

If a breaks the unspoken urinal rules, you know he's up to no

At least you know you're well hung :p