By theuglyfriend - 17/07/2012 06:09 - United States - Riverbank

Today, I went to a coffee shop with my friend. The guy rang her up and said it was only a dollar as he winked at her $10 purchase. Then he rang me up at completely full price. She got his number and I got to be the ugly friend once again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 726
You deserved it 3 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iliketomoveit123 10

You don't need a guy who works at a coffee shop anyway. You probably deserve better.

You gotta stop comparing yourself to your friend or you'll never be happy.


What a shitty friend you have! She gets $9 off and she can't even make sure you get the same discount? She gets a date and you get to feel ugly? You need a better friend.

How many of these types of FMLs are gonna be on here until a good one comes up?

key word in this is "again.". if this has happened before then maybe take the hint and pretty yourself up, ugly.

Playful1985 9

If you're really unhappy grow some confidence aka. Hit the gym & use some makeup

OP : YOU NEED A GOOD THUMP ON THE HEAD ........ Life doesn't revolve around just you. Stop being Jelous of your friend and find ways to make yourself more attracive to the opposite sex. AND STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF !

hateevryone 14

You should've got his ass fired for pulling that stunt.

osm1989_fml 6

"Today, I was charged the correct amount and had to pay it. FML." That's what I read anyway...

bigballer_89 4

yo you need to become the hot friend.

Jewbenita 0

i wouldve called him out on it and requested to see his manager. the store loses money and it makes you feel terrible so theres no doubt he'd get in trouble.