By unknown - 15/06/2011 10:20 - United States

Today, I went to a concert with my boyfriend. I was repeatedly ass-grabbed, grinded on and hit on by guys. My boyfriend's response was, "As long as they continue to bring you free beer, let them get a little feel of what they are paying for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 447
You deserved it 8 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least they find you attractive. and you get free beer!


Your boyfriend sounds like a sexist asshole.

That's sexual assault. Don't tolerate it. If your boyfriend encourages it, dump him. The only thing that entitles any man to touch you in a sexual way is CONSENT.

hcovballer247 0

OP, your boyfriend's a jerk. In that situation, with the way you've described his reaction shows he clearly does not care that a number of guys harass you all because he gains a benefit from it. Stand up for yourself, and really reevaluate your relationship with him. Because it's clear that beer is more important to him than you. FYL

bigcrazymike 6

They were bringing her the beer, not him. So he wasn't benefiting from it.

haha what an awesome boyfriend haha

Reynard13 1

What a nice guy. You should definitely invest more of your life in dating him. Beer in your country is like $4.

thepurplenurple 0

dump his ass a man should protect his women

bigcrazymike 6

If you didn't want the attention you should have stopped accepting the free beers. When are women going to learn?!