By unknown - 15/06/2011 10:20 - United States

Today, I went to a concert with my boyfriend. I was repeatedly ass-grabbed, grinded on and hit on by guys. My boyfriend's response was, "As long as they continue to bring you free beer, let them get a little feel of what they are paying for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 446
You deserved it 8 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least they find you attractive. and you get free beer!


2, You don't have to be attractive to have a big ass.

I would have sumped his ass and hook up with one of the guys in front just so he could see how messed up that is

Petunia888 13

Ok, first of all, you're at a concert; what do you expect? Most guys will try to read your body language before doing that (if not, FYL). Also, free beer is so not worth it. Yeah, your bf should have been sympathetic. But YOU need to do something about it!

Um, wow. That's pretty much making you a prostitute. You need to find a boyfriend that would kick those ass grabber's ass for you, not encourage it. You should have some self respect and dump him, and bitch slap those guys that feel that they have the right to grab your butt.

LilFleck555 3

ehy, at least u get a free beerXD

It doesn't matter, Americans can't grind for shit.

how does someone have the nerve to grab a strangers ass? lol