By SOTS4335 - 16/05/2015 22:16 - United States - Maumelle
SOTS4335 tells us more.
OP here. Two of my sisters actually ended up beating the shit out of my now ex-girlfriend and moving me and my kids in with them. Kinda hard to defend yourself when you have muscular dystrophy and you spend most of your day in a wheelchair. But Thank GOD I'm done with that psycho-bitch. And **** those assholes at that therapy session.
Top comments
Go to the police.
That won't do anything further than putting her on record for the next few times she abuses him – no arrest, no investigation, no questions, it'll just build up – because the police will haul away the male, regardless of who sent in the call. I've witnessed this firsthand on more than one occasion. No, what OP needs is video documentation of her abusiveness for the courts to actually use. Otherwise, it will devolve into a he said/she said, and those never end well.
If he can show she is abusive in front of the children, he might be more likely to get custody of the children too as that is technically abusing children I think. It is a horrible situation. I think for a man especially because of the reactions you'd get - and that a lot of 'safe houses' might only take women (I don't know, I am guessing).
That's messed up. No matter what people shouldn't be laughing at you. I wonder what your kids are thinking. Not only you, but your kids are experiencing this. I know it's not much but your kids shouldn't have to see that. I was abused for six years by my dads fiancé and she called the cops a few times and they believed her and not me because I was a kid and apparently kids make up crap. In this society people seriously need to look past things and have a heart. When you see things like that or hear things you shouldn't laugh. What if that was you? People these days need to think before they react. I know exactly how it feels. It makes me so mad how much selfish and rude people are these days. I'm so sorry that people are assholes
I never have the energy to read these
Sorry guys? lol
That's horrible. I hope your dad didn't marry that psycho ****. Why would the police ignore you if you were a kid? You'd think that if a child reports being abused by an adult, they would take it into consideration and start an investigation. This is why I'm losing faith in society and the police force in the US. Or did they not believe you because it was a woman that abused you, and thy found it unlikely that a woman would do that? Either way, it was horrible for them not to do anything.
I'm sorry to hear that. Especially since they're supposedly going through the same thing. I hope you get the help you need soon op.
This is the kind of crap that perpetuates male stereotypes. Men can be abused just as much as women. The reason you don't hear about it? Stuff like this. Everyone who is a survivor of abuse deserves to be listened to with respect. No matter what gender they may be.
That's ****** up. Its the reason why those things continue to happen. Perhaps seek help elsewhere.
I hope you get help because your wife isn't okay for doing this, no gender is. I hate sexism in our society. I hope everything works out and she stops, or you dump her.
I'm so sorry OP, I really hope you find support from somewhere more positive xx
That's awful! Find a different group if the group leader doesn't tell everyone off for not taking your abuse seriously.
So sorry to hear this, OP. I cannot believe that anybody going through abuse would laugh at somebody going through the same thing. Abuse isn't funny, and it's just as bad when it's a woman against a man as the other way around. I hope you aren't discourage to continuing getting help, you really need it for both yourself and your kids. It can't be nice for them either to see their parents fight like this.
This needs to ******* end. It makes me FURIOUS. Abuse is abuse. Yes men are typically stronger but that doesn't mean they can stop themselves from being abused. This is ludicrous. You see campaigns all the time online. It's time to bring it to the streets. The TVs. The radio. More common internet ads. Awareness in schools. A day dedicated to abuse awareness for men and women.
YES! Sex-ed teaching about rape and abuse of men and women - BY men AND women.
Yas. You always hear my teachers telling boys not to hit girls, and not only is that sexist to us, but it also doesn't teach us about the real world.
I hate double standards. Abuse is abuse no matter what gender you are. Sorry OP :/
I hate when people think males can't be absurd