By SOTS4335 - 16/05/2015 22:16 - United States - Maumelle

Today, I went to a domestic violence counseling group. I was the only male there, and I explained that my girlfriend punches me in the face in front of my kids. Everyone started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 030
You deserved it 3 629

SOTS4335 tells us more.

OP here. Two of my sisters actually ended up beating the shit out of my now ex-girlfriend and moving me and my kids in with them. Kinda hard to defend yourself when you have muscular dystrophy and you spend most of your day in a wheelchair. But Thank GOD I'm done with that psycho-bitch. And **** those assholes at that therapy session.

Top comments

JuliaaNoelle 26

I hate double standards. Abuse is abuse no matter what gender you are. Sorry OP :/

I hate when people think males can't be absurd


Herrochild 10

Wow. That's horrible. I'm really sorry

Hit her back. Maybe not a punch in the face but something. See how she likes it

MzZombicidal 36

That's never the answer in an abusive relationship. That just adds another level of abuse and escalates things to something it should never be (not like it should BE in the first place).

Unfortunately domestic abuse against men happens a lot more than is reported. The double standard between men and women cause most men to feel too ashamed to seek help or support. while I'm proud of you for seeking support I really think you should report her to the authorities. Unfortunately abuse doesn't just stop. You have to leave. ESPECIALLY before she moves on to the children. Most abusers don't just stick to abusing one person. Keep seeking support and lock that crazy bitch up.

Now this i do not get smh op shouldn't allow this to happen in front of his kids. something's got to change don't want your kids to grow up thinking it's okay for your partner to physically hit you shit yo

MzZombicidal 36

How is this in any way his fault?

lovedbynoone 22

You need to find another support group, I think. One that will actually support you and get you the help you need. Good luck OP!

lovedbynoone 22

Take your kids and go. This is unacceptable behaviour. Abuse is abuse, regardless of the gender of either partner.

That is absolutely not okay. Abuse is abuse. Women want equality, which means that we need to understand that not only things happen to women. If a woman gets abused, everyone talks about how horrible it is (which it is) why can't it be like that with men too?

never_alone 10

bitches be crazy! why are you still with her? run, run like the wind!

I hate that it's okay for a woman to punch a man in the face but when a woman gets punched in the face no one laughs. So unhealthy for the children to be around that type of abuse. I hope you mean exactly girlfriend.

What group it is a ******* laughing club or what? Leave that group and its time to speak out and report.