By OhDear - 25/05/2011 01:34 - United States

Today, I went to a friend's wedding. While I was holding my four year old son, he managed to unclip the back of my dress and give the whole church a show. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 436
You deserved it 4 853

Same thing different taste



Early bird! I still haven't mastered the unclipping..

sarahsarahsarahs 0

#107, not really it's a simple matter of squeeze and release

I know some guys out that would like to take some lessons from your boy OP... Suave!

*while I WAS holding. Mistake I've seen in tons of fmls and drives me insane. Speak in complete ******* sentences.

jennifer93 0

"while holding" makes sense...if you're gonna be a grammar Nazi at least be good at it

Hahahahahahaha... *THIS IS A mistake... according to your writing style. "While holding" is perfect. Hmmmm.... so it really pisses you off when someone just says "A$$hole" you'd much rather prefer You're an A$$hole!

guckylynn 19

Actually the I was isn't necessary since it's implied by the sentence. The while holding my son works perfectly fine/

just fyi, it was typed and not spoken. and everyone will do that once you aren't a ****. so it'll never happen.

#41, I completely understand. Anyone who knows much of anything about English grammar would know that you are correct. It's just disheartening that so many people replied and made themselves look utterly foolish. "While holding" would only be correct if the OP had followed that up with an "I" after the comma. Instead, she made the sentence wrongly appear to express that her son was holding himself (or some other "him"). Are people really this stupid?

OhMeShell 3

#80, THANK YOU! Good God. WHILE READING THESE COMMENTS, I wondered if any of the posts I might read in response to #41 would actually be written by someone who knew anything about English. Please don't correct peoples' grammar if your correction is not right! The sentence that OP wrote does imply that her four year old son was holding himself. She should have wrote "while I was", but NOT because "while holding my son" is always incorrect. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, as I haven't been in an English class in quite some time: The way she wrote the sentence implies that "he" (the four year old son) is the subject of the sentence, because she didn't introduce herself as the subject. "While I was holding my four year old son, he...", clearly introduces OP as the subject, and her son as the object of the sentence. I could totally be wrong in using the words subject and object, maybe I'm using them backwards. Who knows. I don't know what certain pieces of sentences are called anymore. I can't break down a sentence for you in the right terms. But I can speak and write English without looking like a moron. That's all that matters. Either way, all that I'm saying is that she didn't differentiate two people in the sentence. It could have been anyone holding her son while her son unfastened her dress. She could have been holding her son while some other "he" unfastened the dress. Unless it's written correctly, we don't know. Oh, yes, I DID just spend all of that time analyzing an FML... Shit. FML.

sarahsarahsarahs 0

honestly?! stop being grammar police! no one gives a rats a$$ so duck it up and stop complaining

Well, at-least the bride and groom now have a story to tell. How the heck did your son manage to do that? lol

So he is allowed to take the money from the collection bowl. I mean they did get a show.