By OhDear - 25/05/2011 01:34 - United States

Today, I went to a friend's wedding. While I was holding my four year old son, he managed to unclip the back of my dress and give the whole church a show. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 436
You deserved it 4 853

Same thing different taste


he's practicing for when he's a teenager...he'll know what to do & not seem bad and kill the mood when he's older

Zdog101 0

at least they might have liked it

logo79 0

this is why 4 years olds need to be watched O.O

shame on you. trying to get your friends husbands attention like that?

OhMeShell 3

Am I the only person who wonders why the **** this lady was HOLDING her four year old? Four year olds can walk; they have legs. I do understand if she was holding him just for a moment, or perhaps carrying him somewhere because he was tired or cranky. But you can bet your ass I wouldn't be standing there holding a freaking four year old for the hell of it. They're heavy! Put him on his feet and hold his hand! Shit, as much as I hate them, use a freaking child leash! On another note, how could she not feel him unfastening her dress?!

Four year olds can also run around at inappropriate times...

shaniecerb 0

not if theyre disciplined.u tell them to sit their ass down or youre gonna take him to the car and giv him a spanking..and i agree.i wouldnt be carrying a heavy ass 4 year old

sarahsarahsarahs 0

I see people hold their young children all the time my mom holds my 7 yr old half-brother a lot its not uncommon and child leashes are just cruel

shaniecerb 0

leashes arent cruel.they dont hurt or anything.i wouldnt do that to my children though.and holding a 7year old?really?thats like breast feeding a 3 year offense to your mom or anything.but thats strange

OhMeShell 3

Yeah, four year olds can run around at inappropriate times... Sure, it happens. But the absolute worst thing you can to do discipline them is pick them up. If the child is doing something wrong, he needs discipline. You put him on his feet and you make him listen to you. That's also why I said something about holding his hand. If a kid is being bad and you pick them up, that's called negative attention. You're giving them attention that they like in response to them doing something wrong. The child knows that if he's bad you will pick him up, and so he will continue to try and produce those results. Parents are so ******* stupid and gullible.

kg163401 0
yourbudtravis 0

ahaha what if the groom got a hard on when he saw this . that would be one rough honeymoon!