By Caligirl1996 - 09/06/2015 06:10 - United States - Long Beach

Today, the guy I made cookies for, spent hours getting ready for, and drove 3 hours in traffic to see never actually wanted me to come. When I knocked on his door, he opened it, but immediately closed it in my face. He then texted me saying, "I met someone else." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 438
You deserved it 3 148

Caligirl1996 tells us more.

OP here. Yes, there is more to the situation that I could not explain with so few characters. Him and I go to college together, and we have been dating for close to three months. I left for summer, but he stayed on campus because he is taking a summer course; therefore, we talked about me coming to his dorm, on our campus, for a visit because we missed each other. I do admit that I should have recognized that he was not mature enough to maintain a long distance relationship but we all make mistakes right?

Top comments

Honestly, I'm sorry you had to drive all the way there but **** him. He didn't even had the balls to tell you directly. Find someone who treats you better OP.


Pretend those cookies look like his face and then eat them with all the rage you feel. At least, that's what the cops told me when I tried the real thing.

I wouldn't want to share cookies in the first place.

#27, I think you meant to respond to #2's comment

What a piece of shit. He'll get what he deserves.

That's a harsh thing to say to someone who just replied to the wrong post!

At least you don't have to share your cookies

Honestly, I'm sorry you had to drive all the way there but **** him. He didn't even had the balls to tell you directly. Find someone who treats you better OP.

Yeah exactly like (speaking as a person who has had a similar situation hahahaha) don't just go home and take off all of your makeup and cry yourself to sleep. Eat those cookies with someone else, go for a drive, buy your friends some drinks, etc. Honestly eventually you start to realize how irrelevant to your life this person actually is. "The earth would keep spinning even if he wasn't on it" was the best advice I've ever gotten so there.

Also not in person but before she drove all the way there to see him.

gintwinsmoore 20

well I'm sure if she knew he'd do that to her upon arrival she wouldn't have gone in the first place don't you think?

I feel like there's more going on here. Like he obviously never wanted her to come and she couldn't or wouldn't pick up on the signs. I'd put money on OP being socially oblivious and the guy being too nice to forcefully tell her no before the cookie door slamming debacle.

I think calling that victim blaming is a bit of an exaggeration, I mean you'd usually use that phrase for people who have been victim of harrassment rather than someone being ignored by some bloke. It's unclear if he was even properly dating her.

Two things. One/ In this case she was wronged and is being held as the bad guy with no other info. You don't have to be slapped silly to be a victim. Two/ It sounds like she surprised him and he had someone in the room with him. That's why he slammed the door in her face and the text. I could be reading this wrong, but I don't think so. I think OP was lucky and got out of the relationship early. It was going to happen anyway.

First, 63, even if that was the case, he could've had the decency to tell her in plain terms that he wasn't interested, that the relationship would not go anywhere, and he would appreciate her not coming to see him anymore, with an added "I hope you find someone else that will give you what I can't" type thing, as oppose to just slamming the door in her face. And 91, obviously she couldn't be victim blamed if she was semi-stalking the guy and showing up at his place unannounced and so on; but we have no real reason to believe that was the case. It sounds to me like the guy was a jerk, met some other woman, brought her back to his house and that's why he slammed the door in her face and text her. Either that or there was no girl in the house and he just lacked the balls to tell her to her face and didn't feel like dealing with her. Either way, it was a pretty dick move in my opinion. He could've had a little more compassion & respect.

OP here. Yes, there is more to the situation that I could not explain with so few characters. Him and I go to college together, and we have been dating for close to three months. I left for summer, but he stayed on campus because he is taking a summer course; therefore, we talked about me coming to his dorm, on our campus, for a visit because we missed each other. I do admit that I should have recognized that he was not mature enough to maintain a long distance relationship but we all make mistakes right?

Unfortunately, he did lead me on. There were no "social signals" for me to pick up on, and if there were I assure you I would have picked up on them and ended it. He bought me flowers after talking to me for one week, so he actually made me think that he was really into me. -OP

I'm sorry, OP. Long-distance sucks, particularly when the other person isn't quite ready to make that commitment. I'm sorry you had to drive all the way out there, and I hope it wasn't a completely wasted trip and that you were able to hang out with friends or visit some old haunts. The way things are right now, he isn't worth your time. Maybe that will change, maybe not, but you'll find someone who is mature enough to make time for you.

You can do so much better than some immature jackass with no balls.

Hold in there OP! Your day will come and hopefully you will meet the one right for you.

That douchebag doesn't deserve cookies from anyone