By Anonymous - 09/11/2009 09:12 - Canada

Today, I went to a petting zoo to take pictures. I look down to see a goat chewing the sleeve of my new sweater, so as I reached down to get it loose, it started eating my hair. People took pictures of me wrestling the goat before they helped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 085
You deserved it 3 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is up with all these petting zoo fml's lately? It's like there was some kind of fml gathering or something....


No, Billy! Baaaaa-aaaaaaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaaad!

That couldn't have been good for the goat either.

Are you kidding? Those things can eat anything. Not the same animal, but in Japan the deer ate cardboard and peoples maps.

Skull_300 0

Were you the one laying down in the tall grass with the salt lick hanging out of your ass?

haneki_fml 0

The animals are rebelling! Oh naooooz!

If your hair was long enough for the goat to eat it, you needed a cut anyway.

why is everyone at a petting zoo all of the sudden?

hornetchik 0

Oh shit no, not a GOAT!!! What a ******* pansy.

LOL That's super funny! Wrestling with a goat :D How did u get away? :D I would've helped u but i probably would've gotten eaten too :D Then it would be 2 girls being attacked by a goat with messed up hair and holes in our clothes...hahahaha That's what friends r for ;)