By gorillalove - 11/09/2010 19:25 - United States

Today, I went to a zoo that had a gorilla in a cage. I walked up, and the gorilla stopped what he was doing, looked me in the eyes, and started jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 311
You deserved it 10 564

Same thing different taste


jimshrimp 0
TheHappyOne 0

oh that's hot(: I bet she returned the favor yes?(;

alphaomega1986 0
snizzlesnuzzle 0

Aw, gross how majority of the comments on here told you to help the gorilla out. xD I wouldn't count this as an FML at all. Its funny. :]

YDI for being sexually attractive. Honestly. Whys is your life ****** because you have been declared sexually attractive by another creature?

lmao , this is a def faviorate. Dont worry hun , maybee he just thinkss your really pretty :D

Hmm, I think that's actually a sign of aggression. Locking eyes with a male gorilla is seen as a challenge, so he was probably trying to put his "scent" in the air to assert his dominance. Probably good there was glass between you, or at least a partition of some kind.