By JazzyandAlice - 20/09/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I went to babysit eight kids under the age of ten, all by myself. After five hours of Hell, the parents finally came back from the ASU game. I got paid $5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 965
You deserved it 7 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you say anything?! Stand up for yourself!

Alister09 0

I would say Hmm...$5 for 8 kids under 10? I think I'll tell everyone that goes to my school that you're cheap and you'll never be able to get a babysitter again!


if i were in ur place i would'nt take it..

because they go to ASU games. Sun Devils suck. Wildcats gonna take the Pac-10

Revenge: act happy, tell them to call you again when they need a babysitter. Next time they are expecting you, don't go. If they try to call you, ignore them. They won't be able to find another babysitter at the last minute, and you'll ruin their plans. Of course, you'll lose out on the $5 babysitting job, but I'm sure you'll get over it. If they ever ask you about it, you can tell them you got a better job for that evening that paid more than $1 an hour. Avenge yourself... or people will continue to use you.

YDI for not negotiating before hand how much you'll get paid

Be thankful you got any money at all greedy capitalist.

You set the price before they leave... YDI

waddlezizmyname 3

That totally sucks. My friend went to the ASU game, too, and sent me pictures saying, "I'd say I wish you were here, but I'd be lying". Thanks, buddy, thanks.

piles_of_fail 0

YDI. Discuss payment beforehand, and if they were terrors, mention that. If the parents want you to come back, they should add a little extra for the bother. that's what the parents I sit for do.